Friday, October 27, 2006

How do you like Pal-entines Day?

Ottawa Firefighters have donated their time and energy to appear in a 2007 calendar. Michelle Valberg took the photos of these fine men. The calendar is $20.00 and proceeds go to the Ottawa Heart Institute. Buy yours today. For every female on your Christmas list. For information, email Julie Gowan at the Heart Institute,
Do your part. Buy several 2007 Firefighters Calendars. Because the men worked hard for it.

This week I heard the first radio commercial that mentioned a Christmas sale. The date of the Christmas sale was November 1st. The very next day after Hallowe’en! Each year, Christmas inches its way closer and closer to Hallowe’en. JR and I have a prediction for next year: someone will have a Christmas sale BEFORE Oct 31st, Hallow’een. Then, as soon as that happens, the doors will be blown wide open. Christmas sales will then battle it out with ‘Back to School’ sales. Just watch!!! It’ll happen.

I’d like to suggest a whole new reason to go out and buy someone something. Next to Christmas, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, things like that, how about: ‘Pal-entines Day’. Palentines Day would be much like Valentines Day, except you surprise your ‘pals’ with gifts. Your best pal since high school, your neighbourhood pal, your work pal, your poker pals, your book club pals, all your pals get a card and maybe even some chocolates or beer! What do you think? ‘Pal-entines Day’! We just have to find room for it on the calendar. And since Christmas now takes up October to mid-January, that could be a bit of a challenge. When’s a good time of year to have Palentines Day? Email me at and let me know if ‘Pal-entines Day’ is a good idea. Or not. If I get at least 5 people who like the idea, I’m prepared to run with it.
Of course, if I get a bigger response from people who think its stupid, I will place the idea on top of the pile of ideas that never took off, including the ‘man feeder’.

Thanks again to the Thirsty Toad, Bank at Riverside, for another great time with the rockers from ‘Rock Star’! Storm Large blew into town and put on an amazing show. She defeated me in a leg wrestle but the tables were turned quickly when it came time to arm wrestle. Get your tix soon for Gilbey Clarke and Lukas Rossi, coming to ‘The Toad’ on November 11th! It’ll be an outdoor show in a heated tent and as always – there will be special surprises!!! Info at

Go Sens Go!!!! Have you noticed that a lot of Sens fans are driving around with Senators car flags? I love it! Usually they seem to come out only during the play-off season, but many folks are proudly driving around right now with flags flapping! I wonder what the record is for keeping a Sens car flag. I usually have mine for about 2 days before I forget its there, open the car window, then watch my flag fly away over the Queensway.

Trick or treat! Happy Hallowe’en!!! May your Hallowe’en goodie bag be filled with the good stuff. It’s a good year if you have 45 percent chocolate bars, 45 percent chips or doritoes, and just 10 percent hallowe’en kisses. That’s a serious loot bag. And remember, if you’re neighbourhood is a bit on the cheap side, always get your parents to drive you to the neighbourhood that gives out the really good stuff.

Friday, October 20, 2006

What Dogs Would Do With $750

Let’s see….we have a parrot that sings ‘Hit the Road Jack…a border collie/jack Russell terrier mix that stands on the balls of her owner’s feet and catches a Frisbee…a cat that rolls over….another cat that flushes the toilet….a dog that skateboards. These are just some of the entries in JR and Sandy’s ‘Stupid Pet Tricks’ coming to the Carlingwood Mall next Saturday Oct 28th. Carlingwood is offering some great prizes, the best pet trick gets $750 to spend at the mall! I think the pet should get the shopping spree, since the pet did all the work, right?
What would a dog do with $750?
Here’s a typical dog shopping list:
1. a cat $100.00
2. 100 rawhide bones $200.00
3. Doritos $20.00
4. a bed. a real bed, not one of those ‘dog’ beds $300.00
5. device that turns the knob on the exterior door (priceless)
6. toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels, an assortment of delicious paper products $50.00
7. shoes, any size, for chewing 2 pairs $70.00

GRAND TOTAL $ 750.00

Back in September, the newest ‘Tickle Me Elmo’ appeared on store shelves here in Ottawa. Its called ‘TMX’ Elmo, although I have no idea what the TMX stands for. Anyway, this bright red fuzzy Elmo lies on its back and kicks its legs in the air then pounds the floor, all the while laughing hysterically. I immediately wanted one, and planned to buy one the 2nd day they went on sale (at the ridiculous price of $49.95). That day, I never got a chance to go shopping. Then a couple of days went by, a week, two weeks, and sure enough…, I find out that TMX Tickle Me Elmo is nowhere to be found in Canada, and will not be in stores until sometime around February or March! This news devastated me, and I don’t even have kids! For those parents who already have the kids’ Christmas list taped to the fridge, and TMX Tickle Me Elmo is on that list, here’s some news for you. You decide whether the news is good or bad: last time I checked, there were 5,450 TMX Tickle Me Elmo’s on e-bay. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a Tickle Me Elmo that you bought for $160.00 , plus $25.00 for shipping, from someone in Australia. Remember when you were a kid, and you got those three cans of Play-Doh? And a Barrel of Monkeys? And maybe Lite-Brite? And you and your sisters all got an EZ-Bake Oven?
And the manufacturers made enough of them for everybody! P.s. I’ll trade my Sea Monkey kit for a TMX Elmo. Straight trade. No questions.

Uh oh, the pressure of Hallowe’en is almost upon us once again. I think of Hallowe’en as quite stressful. Simply because I can never think of an interesting costume idea. Hey look at Sandy! That’s a great ghost costume! Big white sheet, two holes cut out for eyes, that’s really good! Welcome to my typical Hallowe’en. This year, I will NOT be a ghost!!! Maybe I’ll be a witch. Or a pirate. Those are the only costume ideas I have. See, told ya.

This week, TV Guide announced that it would no longer be making a ‘print’ version of the weekly tv listings for Canada. TV Guide Canada will now only be available on-line. On the morning show, I joked about that, saying what a shame because you will not be able to read the TV Guide in the bathroom any longer. Well, shut my mouth! We received so many phone calls from listeners happily admitting that they bring their lap-top computer into the washroom. While ‘doing their thing’, with pants around the ankles, they are also surfing the net, watching a video, downloading ‘Lost’, emailing friends, whatever. Wow. Talk about multi-tasking. It has never occurred to me to do this. With my luck I would drop the laptop into the you-know-what then have to explain that to the warranty people.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ignore the Screams in the Gatineau Hills!

The Thirsty Toad is on the map!!! Congratulations to Jason, Pat and everyone involved in Saturday’s ‘Party Like a Rock Star’ outdoor show at the Thirsty Toad, starring Dilana and Magni from Rock Star Supernova!! It was a fantastic day….great weather…a great crowd including lots of rocker kids 5, 6 and 7 years old….and we can’t say enough about Dilana and Magni, playing for 2 hours and it was obvious they were really enjoying themselves! Stay tuned for more Rock Star shows at the Thirsty Toad, including Sweet Suzie McNeil this Saturday, Storm Large on Oct 21st, and Ryan Starr on November 4th! The corner of Bank and Riverside is officially Ottawa’s newest place to ROCK! I grew up in that area and the intersection of Bank and Riverside used to be where I’d wait with a big bag of bread to cross the street so I could feed the swans on the river. But now, its Ottawa’s intersection of ROCK! Besides, the swans aren’t there right now anyway because they are in lock down. For more about the upcoming shows, check out!!!

And it’s the dog’s time to party, too! This weekend, BARK (Bytown Association of Rescued Canines) is hosting their annual ‘Bark in the Park’, Saturday and Sunday at the Bruce Pit, Cedarview Road!! There will be craft tables, doggie products, animal communicator Elizabeth Wright will be there, and you can have your pet’s photo taken by a pro, for just five bucks! The autumn colors at Bruce Pit are gorgeous right now, so it’s the perfect time to get those shots. Unless your dog is orange. Then you should move him away from the trees for the best effect. For more, go to

I went on a hike in the Gatineau Hills on Thanksgiving Sunday and I brought my binoculars for bird-watching. Of course, I forgot my reference guide so what I saw, was a brown bird, then another brown bird, then 2 brown birds and a woodpecker. But once I got deep into the woods, I was startled by a ruffed grouse. These birds are about the size of a chicken, and they hide in the brush until you just about step on one. Then they fly up past your face at one hundred miles an hour. The first time this happened, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I collected myself and kept going. I encountered three more ruffed grouses, each one causing me to let out a blood-curdling scream. So, to all the hikers/nature lovers/birdwatchers in the Gatineau Hills on the weekend, not to worry, if you heard four separate screams coming from the woods, those were just my 4 ruffed grouse encounters. Sigh…can’t wait to get back there again. Nature is so relaxing.

I am so thrilled about the buzz around actor Adam Beach, who stars in the Clint Eastwood-directed film ‘Flags of Our Fathers’, in theatres next week. ‘Flags of Our Fathers’ follows the story of the flag-raisers at the Battle of Iwo Jima. Adam plays a soldier by the name of Ira Hayes, and he is in good company. The movie also stars Ryan Phillipe, Barry Pepper and Paul Walker. Check out what all the buzz is about at
I first met Adam back in March when he was involved with the Humane Society Fur Ball. I was always a fan of his work, I thought he was amazing in the movie ‘Windtalkers’ with Nicolas Cage. He and his gorgeous wife Tara are two of the kindest people you’d ever meet, and both have a wicked sense of humour. I wish nothing but success for Adam and Tara, and judging from the early buzz around ‘Flags of Our Fathers’, I think we’ll see this handsome couple on the red carpet at the Oscars. Way to go!

And now…one final message…this is to the shmuck who stole my purse from the trunk of my friend’s car in Montreal on Friday night. I have no I.D. You stole it all! And don’t go around using my I.D. Trust me, it will not get you anywhere. I am currently in the ‘hell’ that is…replacing everything that was in my wallet. Everywhere I go to apply for new I.D, I get asked to show my I.D. You can see why I’m getting nowhere. Oh well, I have several members of the Montreal police force working on the case, day and night. LolI hope this never happens to you. I’m not looking forward to getting a new driver’s license photo

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Uh Oh Ugly Betty Looks like my Yearbook Photo

CONGRATULATIONS to Joy Lonsdale, our big winner in ‘Bob’s Deal or No Deal’!!!!! Joy played the game perfectly, and with Steve Gregory as the host, ‘the master of suspense’, she won $15,000!!!!! Check this website to see who won over the past few weeks, and how much, wow- it was a ton of fun! And how’s this for irony…..last night, I watched the tv version of ‘Deal or No Deal’ with Howie Mandel, and one guy walked away with $9,000…….not a bad haul, but the BOB FM radio version handed out $15,000!! Way to go, Joy!!

I stumbled on something kinda cool the other day, on the website Its called ‘celebrity soul-mate search’. Doesn’t matter if you’re happily hooked up with someone, its fun anyway. You just answer a few questions about your ‘perfect celebrity mate’, and they tell you who (in another life) would be your perfect famous spouse! I found out that my perfect match is Matthew McConnaughey. OK, so maybe I cheated on some of the questions. When I went back and entered the answers with 100 percent honesty, I found out that I should be married to Abraham Lincoln. I think I prefer Matthew McConnaughey.

Have you seen the new show, ‘Ugly Betty’? It premiered last week. I thought it was great. The premise of the show is that ‘Betty’, who is ‘ugly’, with big glasses and braces and poor fashion taste, gets a job working for a high brow fashion magazine in New York, surrounded by beautiful people. But, here’s my problem. I don’t think Betty….is ‘ugly’. I think she’s rather attractive, in fact. Is it just me? Or do you think that ‘Ugly Betty’ isn’t ugly enough to be called ‘ugly’? The fact that Ugly Betty looks exactly like my grade 7 yearbook picture has nothing to do with my opinion on this issue.

And now we go full circle. Check out the website, This website is nothing but cute stuff, yep, kittens, puppies, fuzzy ducklings, kids with puppies, kids with bunnies, all things cute. Because everyone needs to look at something cute every once in a while. Good way to take your mind off your yearbook picture.

I have a goldfish who is obviously a big fan of David Blaine’s. You know, that illusionist guy who immersed himself in a giant glass water tank and stayed there for five days in Times Square. My goldfish is the fish equivalent of David Blaine, except in reverse. Twice in the past month I have walked by the aquarium he lives in with his 5 goldfish buddies, only to find that he is on the floor. This is a 3-inch long goldfish living in a 6 foot long, 130 gallon aquarium. So its not because he needs his space. Both times, I shrieked in horror at the sight of him lying on the carpet, only to put him back in the aquarium where he quickly shook it all off and went back to eating big mouthfuls of gravel then spitting them out. Which is his favourite hobby. Maybe I should set up some sort of webcast so that I can monitor him while I’m at work. But then again, with a webcast in my house I may also see my dog walking around in my underwear.