Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun at the Fairmont

A great time was had by all last night at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, with 'Trees of Hope' for Cheo! 28 Christmas trees were decorated by Ottawa businesses and organizations, including 2 from CHEO families, and they will remain at the Chateau Laurier until January 3rd. You can vote for your favourite tree with a donation to CHEO!
The BOB FM crew had a great time with our first-ever entry into the 'Trees of Hope'. Our Mike Fisher-themed tree didn't win any decorating prizes, but it seemed to be a hit , especially with the ladies.......
Its quite a sight seeing women line up to have their photo taken with a 'cardboard cut-out' of Mike Fisher.....imagine if the man himself was there.......
thanks again to Mike Fisher for allowing us to use his image (thus kicking off another roaring season with the 'Mike Fisher Fan Club')..thanks to Deneen Perrin of the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, and to Sherry Thurig for the wonderful Mike Fisher tree topper!
Here are some pic's from the night....

(above) The Ottawa Citizen's Caroline Phillips, hubby Steve and kids enjoy the 'Trees of Hope'!

JR struggles to read the small print. An extra set of lights is brought over to help him see what he is reading.

(right) winners of 'Best Team Spirit'
General Dynamics!
(above) Isla MacIntosh shows off her CHEO tree!

Sherry Thurig and Daniel

(right) Michelle, Leanne, Lydia and yours truly cozy up to Mike Fisher (cut-out)

(right) Our sign. Clever, huh

(above) close-up of the Mike Fisher tree

(left) JR, Sandy, and Sherry with our 'We Fish you A Merry Christmas' Tree!

Monday, November 24, 2008

We 'Fish' you a Merry Christmas!

Bob Dylan was back at Scotiabank Place last Sunday night. The notoriously shy (at least I 'think' its shyness!) singer refused to let anyone take his photo, including all media. I didn't know that before-hand. After snapping this picture, I had a flashlight pointed right into my eyeballs. Whew. At least they let me stay and watch the show.
And now on to things a little less dangerous:

Bob FM is a proud sponsor of 'Trees for Hope' for CHEO, at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel. 28 teams are heading out to the Chateau lobby later today , to decorate a Christmas tree and really kick off the Christmas season! Everyone is invited to come out anytime between 6 and 9 tonight, see the trees, make a donation to CHEO and enjoy some Christmas cheer. There will be incredible silent auction items too, with all proceeds to CHEO. (p.s. if you can't make it tonight, the trees will be on display at the Chateau Laurier until after New Years)

Look for the very first BOB FM tree, certain to impress with a 'Mike Fisher' theme~

p.s. thank you to everyone who sent along their Mike Fisher photos, which are being glued to Christmas ornaments as we speak. One of our wonderful listeners, Sherry Thurig, has offered to make the 'tree topper' , which will involve paper mache', lots of glue, and I believe that Mike Fisher will also be rotating on the top of the tree. It will definitely be a sight to behold!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The dogs pictured above have quite a story. These are some of the 'Vicktory Dogs' which were seized at the home of disgraced NFL quarterback Michael Vick. Vick was convicted of running a dog fighting ring and is now serving 2 years in prison. The 22 rescued dogs are being rehabilitated at the 'Best Friends Animal Sanctuary' in Salt Lake City .... and are quickly on their way to being the toast of the town! California's 'Carivinatas Winery' is now selling special wines, each wine represented by a label depicting one of the rescued Vicktory Dogs. Proceeds go to the dogs' care and rehabilitation. So...if there's a wine lover on your Christmas list...why not head over to this website www.dogloverswineclub.com