this is a maple tree,
and today is August 21st. The maple tree is turning orange and yellow. This is not late September, or anywhere close to Hallowe'en. It's still August, and there are still 10 days left in August. Luckily this tree is not on my lawn, so I don't have to see it gleefully morphing into an autumnal cheerleader from my kitchen window. It is down the street, but I do have to pass it at least twice a day. Once to go to work and once to get home. This is the tree equivalent of the kid in class who handed their homework in 3 days before the deadline. I was never that kid. The keener. There's nothing wrong with being a keener, but if you're a maple tree turning color on August 21st, I feel that I have the right to vent about you. Just saying. You may still have time to change back to green, I'm not sure how that whole photosynthesis thing works. In grade 7 I didn't get the assignment handed in on time.