Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Which came first - the Muskoka Chair or the Adirondack Chair?

What a furr-tastic success! Ok, furr-tastic is not a word and I promise you will never see it here again. But, the Humane Society Fur Ball was a night to remember and best of all - $70,000 was raised for the animals!!! A sincere thank you to everyone involved, (if I had a tail, it would be wagging right now) and to all who attended and helped to raise much-needed funds for the Humane Society emergency services program. Thank you to Jefferson Sukhoo, ‘designers on Dalhousie’, for dressing me for the evening.

We better not get one of those weird spring snowfalls. All my patio furniture is out. Dining table, lawn chairs, Adirondack chairs…oooops, I mean ‘muskoka’ chairs. Who invented these chairs? The Adirondack people or the Muskoka people? One has clearly stolen from the other.. but WHO? These are things I like to ponder. I even have a muskoka/Adirondack chair that reclines like a Lazy-Boy chair. Hope it doesn’t snow.

The new line-up of teachers has been announced for the upcoming ‘Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp’. This summer, it takes place in August in New York City. If you’ve always wanted to be a rock star, check out the website www.rockandrollfantasycamp.com ! For the reasonable price of $8500 U.S., meals included, you will learn how to ROCK!!!! Teachers include: Jon Anderson from ‘Yes’, Levon Helm from ‘The Band’, George Thorogood, Dee Snider from ‘Twisted Sister’ and Max Weinberg from ‘the E Street Band’! And, if you want to bring your spouse, that only costs an extra $500. Wow! I’d love to go to this camp just to make s’mores around the campfire with Dee Snider.

When my husband and I decided to get digital satellite tv, I wanted it for one reason only. To get the channel ‘Animal Planet’. So far on Animal Planet, it seems that there are just three shows. ‘Crocodile Hunter’, which is not about animals, its about a man who has lost his mind. Then there’s ‘Animal Cops’, which is just like the show ‘Cops’, except this time they are arresting people who have animals. And the other show is about meerkats.
At least the show about meerkats is an animal show. Its just that, after having ‘Animal Planet’ for two weeks now, I know enough about meerkats. I would like to move on to some other animal now. Even a show about ants would be fine.

If you and your dog have some spare time on Sunday, April 9th, come on out to the K-9 Spring Fling! It takes place from 10 to 4 pm at ‘Forever Friends Dog Training School’, for details check www.nccpd.org.
Crafts, dog treats, get your dog’s photo taken for just $5.00, all proceeds to support dog rescue in Ottawa!

Speaking of dogs, its time to stock up on this year’s supply of ‘Skunk Off’! It gets rid of the stink right away! Vets sell the stuff in the bottle, and keeping it on hand is a whole lot better than dealing with your freshly-skunk-sprayed dog at 3 in the morning. 5 out of 5 dog owners agree…’Skunk Off is the best product ever invented!!! Dogs don’t seem to mind the smell, though. Then again, dogs love rolling in cow poo.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Blues Lady to the Rescue!!! (www.blueslady.com)

‘The Morning After’ on BOB FM welcomed Ottawa’s blues lady, Maria Hawkins, to give some much-needed singing tips to anyone planning to attend the Canadian Idol auditions, this weekend at St Laurent Centre. As a public service, we repeat them here:

1. Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day
2. Get plenty of sleep. Fatigue lowers your voice
3. Avoid yelling or screaming or talking, laughing, or singing louder than is necessary
4. DO NOT WHISPER, especially when you have a sore throat, this increases muscular tension and dries out vocal chords
5. eliminate habitual throat clearing and excessive coughing
7. try to reduce your caffeine/alcohol intake
8. use an easy and gentle approach to voice production
9. have your hearing checked
10. when you have laryngitis or a sore throat, give your voice a rest. Take time to let your voice recover!

These suggestions all come from one of Ottawa’s best singers, blues lady Maria Hawkins!!! Maria says that ANYONE can learn to sing, anyone! Although, she did say that ‘before’ she tried to teach JR and me how to sing the lovely duet ‘You Don’t Bring Me Flowers’.

Please help!!! Maria Hawkins is currently teaching the kids at Manor Park Public School to sing… and right now, there is a serious shortage for this school’s breakfast program. Manor Park Public School desperately needs donations of breakfast foods, cereals, cereal bars, etc, and of course cash donations to support the breakfast program are certainly welcome too. Please drop donations off at Manor Park Public School, 100 Braemar St, which is in the St Laurent/Hemlock area. The phone number for the school is 746-8131!! Thank you so much!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Can't Get Enough of those Beer Nuts

The Home and Garden show is on this weekend at Lansdowne Park. I love going to this show, for 2 reasons. I get tons of ideas that inevitably lead to hard labour for my husband. And the second reason I love the Home and Garden Show is: the beer nuts. The aroma of the beer nuts fills the air as you descend the stairs of the Civic Centre, and before you know it, your hand is deep into a bag of warm sticky nuts, which then means that you can’t touch any of the exhibits. But its worth it. At the home and garden show last year, I learned a very important tip to make my gardening easier. Buy the biggest wheel barrow you can find. Even if it looks ridiculously huge, buy it anyway. With a monster wheel barrow, you can haul everything you need in one trip. Rocks, soil, the dog, plants, hose, shovels, fence, plywood, cordless tools, drink cooler, your bike helmet, Miracle Gro, lawn furniture, tomato cages, it all goes into one wheel barrow. And you can push all that quite easily if your lawn is fairly level. Just watch out if you’re going downhill, a fully packed giant wheel barrow can sometimes get away on you when you’re going downhill. Defeats the whole purpose.

As we await the birth of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s second child, mostly just because we want to know what the heck they’re going to name this kid, with the first one getting the moniker ‘Apple’, this week, we learn that Donald Trump and his wife Melania have named their newborn son ‘Barron’. They’ve built the wealth right into the kid’s name. Why didn’t they just call him ‘Richie Rich’? ‘Barron Trump’ Wow. Quite a name. When I was a kid, a popular name for a rich kid was ‘Millhouse’. Somehow doesn’t fit anymore, ever since the Simpsons.

My husband and I finally got satellite tv. I think we get over 400 channels now. So far, this is what I’ve been watching over and over. The Price is Right, with Bob Barker in ‘high definition’, ‘Animal Cops’, and the educational show on the Discovery Channel, ‘How Its Made’. Last week, we learned how baseboard heaters are manufactured. When Bruce Springsteen sang about ’57 Channels and Nothing On’, maybe we shoulda believed him.

Good luck to everyone who is auditioning for Canadian Idol this weekend in Ottawa. It must be pretty nerve-wracking. I think this show has been on long enough, that the judges are probably hearing the same songs over and over again at the auditions. I think that a contestant would really stand out if they did a song that was a bit of an oddity, a bit of a surprise. I wonder if anyone has the courage to enter the Canadian Idol audition process with a rousing rendition of: ‘Love Removal Machine’ by the Cult.
Or the theme from the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Go Sens go!! As we near the play-offs, the excitement is reaching a feverish pitch. I gotta get some of those Senators car flags that you clamp onto your car window. Then just hope it stays cold outside. Because as soon as you open the car window, there goes the flag. On a good day, with a play-off game taking place at Scotiabank Place, there are easily 20 to 30 Sens flags on the Queensway. Its tempting to nab a couple of these flags, but probably not a great idea during rush hour traffic. Funny. I haven’t seen many Leafs flags around this year.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

No Thanks, I'll Roll Up my Own Rim

Its day 77 since I got an ipod for Christmas. I’ve downloaded 2483 songs onto my Ipod. But still haven’t used it. Although, its good to know, if a robber came by and stole my entire CD collection, I’d
still have all my favorite songs tucked safely onto my IPOD. This is definitely one of the reasons to love an Ipod. The other reason, I suppose, is actually ‘using’ it.

Its Irish week! Of course, on St Pattys Day, everyone is Irish. I’m half Irish and half French Canadian, so on St Pattys Day I usually have some green beer and a big plate of poutine. On this Friday’s morning show, we hope to connect with Brian Connelly, who is a radio announcer with a radio show from Dublin. He’ll be joining us by phone to give us the full scoop of St Pattys celebrations straight from Dublin Ireland! Problem is, our interview time is 12:45 pm Dublin time. The pubs will have been open for quite some time by then!!!! Make sure you tune in for some authentic Irish fun at 7:45 am Ottawa time.

Can you believe the controversy over that huge Tim Horton ‘Roll Up to Win’ story? In case you hadn’t heard, in a small town outside of Montreal a 10 year old girl found an empty Tim Horton’s coffee cup in the garbage. When her little fingers were too tiny to ‘roll up the rim’, she asked her 12 year old friend for help. Sure enough, the 12 year old peels back the rim and ‘booom’, it’s a winning coffee cup!!!! The Prize: A Toyota RAV 4 SUV!!!! Here we are, over a week later, and a) the 10 year old’s parents think she should get the truck b) the 12 year old’s parents think that she should be the sole winner of the truck and c) the custodian who threw the coffee cup in the garbage in the first place, has hired a lawyer, and is demanding DNA samples be taken from the cup to prove that it ‘was’ his in the first place, and that HE should be the winner of the truck. So far, Tim Horton’s Donuts has remained silent on the issue. Probably a good idea. I’m sure its just a matter of time before we hear that the school bully is also demanding the truck.

It may only be the month of March, but it won’t be long before our schedules start to fill up quickly for the summer, especially on the weekends. If you’re an animal lover, circle the date ‘July 8th’ 2006 on your calendar. The whole family is invited to a good old fashioned country fair at the Big Sky Ranch Animal
Sanctuary, just outside of Kemptville. Big Sky is a safe haven for unwanted and abused animals. Right now there are 171 animals living here, from horses and donkeys to cats and dogs. Owner Andy Parent and his volunteers do their best to rehabiliate these animals and find them homes, but many are here to live out their days in a comfortable, peaceful setting. Donations are desperately needed! For more info, click on the ‘pet friendly’ section of BOB FM’s website and you’ll find a link to the Big Sky Ranch! And don’t forget to book July 8th, for tons of fun, entertainment, animals and prizes at Big Sky! Bob FM will be there, hope to see you!!!

Better Roll Up Your Own Rim

Its day 77 since I got an ipod for Christmas. I’ve downloaded 2483 songs onto my Ipod. But still haven’t used it. Although, its good to know, if a robber came by and stole my entire CD collection, I’d
still have all my favorite songs tucked safely onto my IPOD. This is definitely one of the reasons to love an Ipod. The other reason, I suppose, is actually ‘using’ it.

Its Irish week! Of course, on St Pattys Day, everyone is Irish. I’m half Irish and half French Canadian, so on St Pattys Day I usually have some green beer and a big plate of poutine. On this Friday’s morning show, we hope to connect with Brian Connelly, who is a radio announcer with a radio show from Dublin. He’ll be joining us by phone to give us the full scoop of St Pattys celebrations straight from Dublin Ireland! Problem is, our interview time is 12:45 pm Dublin time. The pubs will have been open for quite some time by then!!!! Make sure you tune in for some authentic Irish fun at 7:45 am Ottawa time.

Can you believe the controversy over that huge Tim Horton ‘Roll Up to Win’ story? In case you hadn’t heard, in a small town outside of Montreal a 10 year old girl found an empty Tim Horton’s coffee cup in the garbage. When her little fingers were too tiny to ‘roll up the rim’, she asked her 12 year old friend for help. Sure enough, the 12 year old peels back the rim and ‘booom’, it’s a winning coffee cup!!!! The Prize: A Toyota RAV 4 SUV!!!! Here we are, over a week later, and a) the 10 year old’s parents think she should get the truck b) the 12 year old’s parents think that she should be the sole winner of the truck and c) the custodian who threw the coffee cup in the garbage in the first place, has hired a lawyer, and is demanding DNA samples be taken from the cup to prove that it ‘was’ his in the first place, and that HE should be the winner of the truck. So far, Tim Horton’s Donuts has remained silent on the issue. Probably a good idea. I’m sure its just a matter of time before we hear that the school bully is also demanding the truck.

It may only be the month of March, but it won’t be long before our schedules start to fill up quickly for the summer, especially on the weekends. If you’re an animal lover, circle the date ‘July 8th’ 2006 on your calendar. The whole family is invited to a good old fashioned country fair at the Big Sky Ranch Animal
Sanctuary, just outside of Kemptville. Big Sky is a safe haven for unwanted and abused animals. Right now there are 171 animals living here, from horses and donkeys to cats and dogs. Owner Andy Parent and his volunteers do their best to rehabiliate these animals and find them homes, but many are here to live out their days in a comfortable, peaceful setting. Donations are desperately needed! For more info, click on the ‘pet friendly’ section of BOB FM’s website and you’ll find a link to the Big Sky Ranch! And don’t forget to book July 8th, for tons of fun, entertainment, animals and prizes at Big Sky! Bob FM will be there, hope to see you!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fashion takes my breath away

Looks like I’ll have to put away my black lipstick and my black nail polish and my white face powder, and save it for another time. The Nine Inch Nails concert has been post-poned. Apparently lead singer Trent Reznor isn’t feeling well, word is its nothing serious, touch of the flu, but he needs some time off to get better. Sources said that Trent Reznor was looking quite pale.

Had a great day of skiing at Edelweiss! I found myself sharing a run with a skiing raccoon. Actually, the raccoon was snow-boarding. Every time I go skiing, I’m inspired by the young children, 4 and 5 years old, that ski circles around me. They don’t know it, but they always encourage me to become as fearless as they are. This time, I was given a shot of courage by a snow-boarding raccoon. If that raccoon could fly down those steep runs, so could I! But of course, I fell flat on my back. The last thing I saw was the raccoon’s striped tail disappearing down the hill. Just as well. The last thing I needed was a raccoon helping me back on my feet. I prefer help from my usual good skiing buddies, the four and five year olds.

A rather embarrassing thing happened to me the other day. James Jefferson and Frank Sukhoo are two fabulous local fashion designers, who have a design boutique called Jefferson Sukhoo on Dalhousie Street. James and Frank kindly offered to loan me a dress for the upcoming Humane Society Fur Ball. They chose a gorgeous black gown for me, and away I went into the change room to try it on. At first I tried to ‘step into’ the gown, but that didn’t work. Too tight. So then I tried to pull the gown over my head. That’s when it happened. I got completely stuck. My arms were pointed straight up into the air, the gown was bunched up around my head and shoulders, my jeans were crumpled down at my ankles and I couldn’t move. Not only was I afraid I might rip the dress, I was having trouble breathing. I wondered if I should allow myself to asphyxiate instead of going through the embarrassment of having to call out for help. With James and Frank busily chatting with customers in the boutique, I lost track of time, feeling like Houdini wrapped in an impossible straight-jacket, the difference being, Houdini made a living as an escape artist, and I, well, I am a radio announcer. Finally, a call from beyond. ‘Sandy’? Is everything ok in there’? ‘I’mmmmmm sssshhhtuck in the dr-e-e-ssss and I caannn’t (gasp!) breathe!
James asked permission to help me. ‘YEESSSS’! I was saved!!! Being the designer of the dress, he knew exactly how the zipper worked – how the sleeves worked – it was incredible!!! With my arms shot straight up, my head swathed in gown, my jeans at my ankles, James freed me from my elegant prison! Ok, maybe I’ve been watching too many spy movies lately. But at least the dress didn’t get ripped. And I am alive to tell the story. Best part of all, James and Frank are gonna make me something that I can put on all by myself!!! p.s. if you have any stories of a similar nature to share, please write to me. I’m sure this happens to people a lot………doesn’t it?