Ouch!! We lose game 2 in Anaheim, series is now at 2 - 0 for the Ducks.
Just wait til they get to Ottawa!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Game 2 pre game show
As I write this, game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals is less than ½ hour away. I am wearing a ‘Be Red’ shirt. The Ottawa Senators lost the first game to the Anaheim Ducks. I have tried to block out the statistic that everyone keeps repeating: the team that wins the first game in the Stanley Cup finals goes on to win the Cup 84 percent of the time. To that I say…..PPPHHHTTTTT!!!!!
Why did our beloved Senators lose the first game? Was it the 9 day lay-off? The jet lag? Maybe its because Spartacat wasn’t in the building. Maybe its because the pairing of Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger and Don Cherry caused asteroids to collide, which in turn affected the molecular properties of the inside of the Honda Arena in Anaheim.
Or, maybe its just because the Ducks played better.
The game’s coming up. Its already a really good sign of things to come: at least CBC is sparing us another sparring match between Ron McLean and Gary Bettman. See you after the first period.
Why did our beloved Senators lose the first game? Was it the 9 day lay-off? The jet lag? Maybe its because Spartacat wasn’t in the building. Maybe its because the pairing of Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger and Don Cherry caused asteroids to collide, which in turn affected the molecular properties of the inside of the Honda Arena in Anaheim.
Or, maybe its just because the Ducks played better.
The game’s coming up. Its already a really good sign of things to come: at least CBC is sparing us another sparring match between Ron McLean and Gary Bettman. See you after the first period.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Dany Heatley Doesn't Have extra tickets either
Some nights are just better than other nights. Ran into Dany Heatley at the Sterling Steakhouse by the Gatineau River last night. I blabbered on for a bit then he agreed to pose for a photo. He has a great sense of humour. He was also very relaxed, heading into the biggest hockey series of his life. Oh well, I’m still desperately trying to get my hands on Stanley Cup tickets like everyone else. Dany didn’t have any with him. Darn!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Will Work For Senators Stanley Cup Final Tickets
WOO HOO!!!!!!!
Can you believe it? We are in the Stanley Cup finals! Just one more team to beat!!
I’m still in shock. I was born in Ottawa, and have lived in Ottawa my entire life. I consider myself one of those long-suffering Ottawa sports fans, you know the ones….the people who cheered and applauded and bought tickets and sat in the rain or sat in the bleachers, whether it was an Ottawa Rough Rider game where the score was 49 to 2 for the ‘other guys’, or whether it was a Renegades game, with some inane Gleiberman marketing debacle taking place in the upper level, or whether it was our beloved Senators, with so much promise heading into the play-offs, and somehow it was just not to be……….UNTIL NOW!!!!!
Now!!!!! Now its just a matter of getting tickets. This will be the hardest ticket in town. Of course, BOB FM will have a pair of tickets to give away for the first Stanley Cup Final home game. So good luck, and good dialing. I have to figure something else out. I have a few ideas up my sleeve. Can’t give them out, or someone might steal ‘em. Let’s just say it may or may not involve my jars and jars of spare change, and a couple of people who may or may not remember me from high school.
Phew! Close call! IF there was a Senators game this coming Saturday, there could’ve been quite a scene on Elgin Street. Its fantastic that Elgin Street has been deemed ‘Sens Mile’, and fans sure showed up in droves after our historic win last weekend. Well, this weekend is ‘National Capital Race Weekend’. And the 10K race is Saturday. The route for the 10K? Elgin Street! Sens Mile party vs runners in the 10K. I know it wouldn’t take much for me to tear off my racing bib and plunk myself down on a patio with all the other revelers. But I’d still finish the race. Just a little later.
This is a busy weekend coming up….its also the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Canadian Guide Dogs. Sunday morning, it’s the Guide Dogs Walk at Andrew Haydon Park by the Ottawa River. It’s the only day of the year that dogs are allowed at Andrew Haydon Park so bring your four legged friends and raise some funds for a special cause. For more information, go to www.guidedogs.ca
Calling all Elvis’!!! Elvis-es? El-vie? Whatever the plural of Elvis is…..Elvis Presley Enterprises is searching for the BEST ELVIS TRIBUTE ARTIST in the world!!! And the contest is making a stop right here, one of only 2 places in Canada…July 6th at the Casino du Lac Leamy in Gatineau! If you can curl your lip and snarl ‘thank you very much’, then shake everything you got, why not enter this contest!!! You may find yourself at Graceland! For complete details, check www.UltimateElvisTributeContest.com!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
There's only one Buffalo
(above left) JR and Sandy and Stanley the Buffalo
(above right and yes, left , too
Rick Currie and Stanley
We found the country’s biggest Ottawa Senator fan, and he’s a BUFFALO!! What are the odds of that? Stanley the Buffalo (ok, his real name is ‘Dakota’, but we changed it for the series)!! Stanley the Buffalo is a rescued buffalo who now lives at the Big Sky Animal Sanctuary in Kemptville. (www.bigskyranch.ca)
As you can see from these pictures, he just loves the Ottawa Senators. He has completely turned his back on the Buffalo Sabres. Smart buffalo. JR and I along with morning show correspondent Rick Currie went out and visited Stanley recently, and he’s pretty pumped about the way the Ottawa Senators are playing. We let Rick interview Stanley, as he is the only one of us who speaks buffalo.
We are currently getting Rick ready to interview either a ‘duck’ or a ‘red wing’.
Talk is now turning to the Stanley Cup in Ottawa. As I write this, we have yet to clinch ‘round 3’ , but the energy is incredible in the city. I have lived in the Ottawa area my entire life and I join other true-born Ottawans when I say…….whats the best way to celebrate? We don’t really know. We have never had anything to celebrate….well, nothing of this magnitude anyway. Do we march up and down the street? Shout from our cars? Run amok? Scream things out of windows? Drop water balloons from roof-tops? Ride a horse into a hotel lobby?
If you were at the last Senators home game on Monday night, did you happen to see the giant red sasquatch…er, I mean, ‘Sens-quatch’? This guy was too funny. About 7 feet tall, red from head to toe, incredibly hairy. I heard that his costume earned him some seats behind the players’ bench. Unless of course, it wasn’t a costume.
The May Long Weekend is coming up!!! Yahoo! Do they still call it the May 2-4 weekend? Seems fitting to call it that. Time to open up the cottage, get out the camping gear, do some gardening. Maybe put in a brand new lawn because grubs ate your last lawn.
I have three apple trees to plant. I bought these really cool ‘4-in-one’ trees. Each tree will bear four different kinds of apples. I figure once my three apple trees are mature, I will get a crop of about 1000 apples each fall. And my husband hates apples. I’m the only one who eats them. If I have ever met you even just once six years ago, you will get a bag of apples from me.
But, I digress. Back to the Ottawa Senators!!!! GO SENS GO! Bye bye Buffalo. Ain’t it great to be Canadian?!!
As you can see from these pictures, he just loves the Ottawa Senators. He has completely turned his back on the Buffalo Sabres. Smart buffalo. JR and I along with morning show correspondent Rick Currie went out and visited Stanley recently, and he’s pretty pumped about the way the Ottawa Senators are playing. We let Rick interview Stanley, as he is the only one of us who speaks buffalo.
We are currently getting Rick ready to interview either a ‘duck’ or a ‘red wing’.
Talk is now turning to the Stanley Cup in Ottawa. As I write this, we have yet to clinch ‘round 3’ , but the energy is incredible in the city. I have lived in the Ottawa area my entire life and I join other true-born Ottawans when I say…….whats the best way to celebrate? We don’t really know. We have never had anything to celebrate….well, nothing of this magnitude anyway. Do we march up and down the street? Shout from our cars? Run amok? Scream things out of windows? Drop water balloons from roof-tops? Ride a horse into a hotel lobby?
If you were at the last Senators home game on Monday night, did you happen to see the giant red sasquatch…er, I mean, ‘Sens-quatch’? This guy was too funny. About 7 feet tall, red from head to toe, incredibly hairy. I heard that his costume earned him some seats behind the players’ bench. Unless of course, it wasn’t a costume.
The May Long Weekend is coming up!!! Yahoo! Do they still call it the May 2-4 weekend? Seems fitting to call it that. Time to open up the cottage, get out the camping gear, do some gardening. Maybe put in a brand new lawn because grubs ate your last lawn.
I have three apple trees to plant. I bought these really cool ‘4-in-one’ trees. Each tree will bear four different kinds of apples. I figure once my three apple trees are mature, I will get a crop of about 1000 apples each fall. And my husband hates apples. I’m the only one who eats them. If I have ever met you even just once six years ago, you will get a bag of apples from me.
But, I digress. Back to the Ottawa Senators!!!! GO SENS GO! Bye bye Buffalo. Ain’t it great to be Canadian?!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tail-gaters have more fun
There’s a new phenomenon that I’ve noticed during this particular Stanley Cup play-offs. Well, its not quite a phenomenon. I know two people that are doing it. They are both huge Ottawa Senators fans who absolutely refuse to watch the Sens play-off games, because they are TOO NERVOUS!! John Brenner, our morning news guy, is one of them. John loves the Ottawa Senators but he can’t watch the games right now. Too nerve-wracking. Doesn’t feel a sense of relief until the game is over, and he finds out the score, and he finds out that we won. Then he looks forward to the next game that he won’t watch.
At least he doesn’t buy a ticket to a game then wander around the concourse at Scotiabank Place until he hears some wild cheering. I hope for the Senators’ sake, that during the Buffalo series, John doesn’t watch the best game he never watched.
The Senators are having their third car rally on Saturday, and its going to be great! All cars gather at Lynx Stadium then form a convoy out to Scotiabank Place. Prizes for best decorated car!! Does this mean, once all the cars reach Scotiabank Place, that a ‘tail-gate party’ may break out?! If you’ve ever been to a concert or a sporting event in a place like New Jersey or Detroit or (gulp) Buffalo, tail-gate parties are HUGE! People have coolers filled with beer, barbeques, burgers! I’ve seen tail-gate parties where people even set up hot tubs and trampolines and giant sheds and they have refrigerators hooked up to generators. Its crazy!!! Here in Ottawa, a tailgate party consists of 2 guys, 2 lawn chairs, and 2 foam beer holders. We know we can beat Buffalo at the game of hockey, but we can’t beat their tail-gate parties. But I’d rather beat them at hockey.
Paris Hilton is going to jail! Another crazy National Enquirer headline!! Ha ha ha good one. Wait a minute……she really ‘is’ going to jail? Didn’t uber-rich people always used to get away with stuff? What’s the world coming to? I hear that Paris is not allowed to have her blackberry while she’s in jail. Isn’t that punishment enough? Right now, her ‘people’ are trying to have Governor Schwarzenegger grant Paris a pardon, so she won’t have to spend one precious moment in jail. If all that fails, they have a call in to the Pope.
This week, JR and I debuted our latest song, a duet called ‘Emery and Stanley’. Of course its about Ray Emery and the Stanley Cup, and we sang it to the tune of ‘Ebony and Ivory’. Within minutes of the song debuting on BOB FM , our phone lines lit up. We thank you so much for your passionate response! Everyone feels quite strongly that we should not be allowed to sing anymore. Even my Mother told me that JR and I should never sing. My own Mother.
That hurt. Whatever happened to ‘believe in your dreams, and they will come true’? My dreams include singing. Just not in a key that actually exists.
‘Dancing with the Stars’ is coming to Scotiabank Place on July 10th. Joey Fatone, Drew Lachey and the gang will be here. Its incredible how popular this show is! I’ve watched ‘Dancing with the Stars’ a few times….I really liked seeing ‘Cliff Claven’ from Cheers (John Ratzenburger) on the show. But he got voted off. Maybe he’d still be on the show if they matched him up with ‘Norm’.
Its blackfly season already! At the cottage so far, I’ve swallowed about five blackflys. They are quite flavourless, really. Except for the hint of Deep Woods Off. Always remember, wear dark clothing, use mosquito coils, make sure you eliminate any source of standing water for breeding mosquitoes, use candles, electronic buzzers, and of course, just stay inside.
At least he doesn’t buy a ticket to a game then wander around the concourse at Scotiabank Place until he hears some wild cheering. I hope for the Senators’ sake, that during the Buffalo series, John doesn’t watch the best game he never watched.
The Senators are having their third car rally on Saturday, and its going to be great! All cars gather at Lynx Stadium then form a convoy out to Scotiabank Place. Prizes for best decorated car!! Does this mean, once all the cars reach Scotiabank Place, that a ‘tail-gate party’ may break out?! If you’ve ever been to a concert or a sporting event in a place like New Jersey or Detroit or (gulp) Buffalo, tail-gate parties are HUGE! People have coolers filled with beer, barbeques, burgers! I’ve seen tail-gate parties where people even set up hot tubs and trampolines and giant sheds and they have refrigerators hooked up to generators. Its crazy!!! Here in Ottawa, a tailgate party consists of 2 guys, 2 lawn chairs, and 2 foam beer holders. We know we can beat Buffalo at the game of hockey, but we can’t beat their tail-gate parties. But I’d rather beat them at hockey.
Paris Hilton is going to jail! Another crazy National Enquirer headline!! Ha ha ha good one. Wait a minute……she really ‘is’ going to jail? Didn’t uber-rich people always used to get away with stuff? What’s the world coming to? I hear that Paris is not allowed to have her blackberry while she’s in jail. Isn’t that punishment enough? Right now, her ‘people’ are trying to have Governor Schwarzenegger grant Paris a pardon, so she won’t have to spend one precious moment in jail. If all that fails, they have a call in to the Pope.
This week, JR and I debuted our latest song, a duet called ‘Emery and Stanley’. Of course its about Ray Emery and the Stanley Cup, and we sang it to the tune of ‘Ebony and Ivory’. Within minutes of the song debuting on BOB FM , our phone lines lit up. We thank you so much for your passionate response! Everyone feels quite strongly that we should not be allowed to sing anymore. Even my Mother told me that JR and I should never sing. My own Mother.
That hurt. Whatever happened to ‘believe in your dreams, and they will come true’? My dreams include singing. Just not in a key that actually exists.
‘Dancing with the Stars’ is coming to Scotiabank Place on July 10th. Joey Fatone, Drew Lachey and the gang will be here. Its incredible how popular this show is! I’ve watched ‘Dancing with the Stars’ a few times….I really liked seeing ‘Cliff Claven’ from Cheers (John Ratzenburger) on the show. But he got voted off. Maybe he’d still be on the show if they matched him up with ‘Norm’.
Its blackfly season already! At the cottage so far, I’ve swallowed about five blackflys. They are quite flavourless, really. Except for the hint of Deep Woods Off. Always remember, wear dark clothing, use mosquito coils, make sure you eliminate any source of standing water for breeding mosquitoes, use candles, electronic buzzers, and of course, just stay inside.
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