Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Game 2 pre game show

As I write this, game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals is less than ½ hour away. I am wearing a ‘Be Red’ shirt. The Ottawa Senators lost the first game to the Anaheim Ducks. I have tried to block out the statistic that everyone keeps repeating: the team that wins the first game in the Stanley Cup finals goes on to win the Cup 84 percent of the time. To that I say…..PPPHHHTTTTT!!!!!
Why did our beloved Senators lose the first game? Was it the 9 day lay-off? The jet lag? Maybe its because Spartacat wasn’t in the building. Maybe its because the pairing of Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger and Don Cherry caused asteroids to collide, which in turn affected the molecular properties of the inside of the Honda Arena in Anaheim.
Or, maybe its just because the Ducks played better.
The game’s coming up. Its already a really good sign of things to come: at least CBC is sparing us another sparring match between Ron McLean and Gary Bettman. See you after the first period.