Monday, November 26, 2007
Puppy Needs Our Help!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving! When do the stores open

To our American friends: Hope you enjoy your day today with family and friends. I just saw a TV commercial for Macys Department Store advertising their 'day after Thanksgiving sale', which starts at 4 am tomorrow. I don't think I've ever set my alarm for 3:30 am to go shopping. But I would if the situation presented itself!
Big thanks to Ion Aimers and the staff at 'The Works' new location in Orleans. JR and I were out last Friday for the grand opening and we had a great time. I've always loved the Works' burgers, and the Orleans location also has the most delicious maple smoked chicken.mmmmm yummy. I also left the restaurant with a brand new Mike Fisher life size cardboard cut-out thanks to Ion and the staff. It was one of the best nights of my life.
The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign is underway! As our society becomes more and more cashless (many of us just carry a bank card now!) this is just a reminder to keep some cash aside for the Salvation Army Kettle, which is the major source of funds to ensure that those less fortunate do have a special Christmas. I was at the Loeb in Bells Corners yesterday, saw the Kettle, and realized I had no cash, because I hardly carry it anymore! I did get some money for a donation but it made me our 'cashless society' hurting campaigns like these?
Just something to think about. Put some toonies (or $$ bills!) in your pocket for the Kettle next time you head out to a mall.
p.s. can save your $$$ and stop by 87 George Street on December 14th. Personalities from the A Channel and all 4 CHUM Radio stations will be outside the building collecting for the Salvation Army from 8 to midnight. I will be on the sidewalk as of 8:30 am, asking for your money. I may bring both of my Mike Fishers with me. See you then!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Santa Has a New Route
Santa Claus is coming!! Santa Claus is coming!! Outside of family, Santa Claus is everyone’s favourite person. I think at this time every year, Santa Claus should be on the cover of all the magazines. Cosmo, Vogue, Mens Health Journal, People, Kids Geographic, every single magazine should have Santa on the cover. This Saturday, the Santa Claus Parade winds its way through downtown Ottawa, starting at City Hall at 11 am. Firefighters will happily collect cash and NEW unwrapped toys along the route for needy kids. The route has changed slightlydue to construction, so you can check out the updated route on the front page of this website. And remember, stake out your place on the parade route early, so you can be on the SUNNY side of the street! Not only is it more pleasant, it is MUCH WARMER!!! From your warm sunny spot, you can laugh at the people across the street who are freezing!! They are so cold they are blowing into their hands! Their teeth are chattering!! Their shoulders are raised and tense due to the cold! You can point and laugh at them! Anyway, I think the thing I love most about the Santa Claus parade, is the true spirit of kindness and caring towards others. I especially love that part.
The Neiman Marcus list of Fantasy Christmas gifts is just what you need for the multi-millionaire or billionaire on your list. How about a ‘conversational robot’ which can hold conversations, recognize family members and give advice. Price: $75,000. Or a two-person submarine. Price: 1.4 million (and comes with a free keychain) Or (I love this one) how about ‘his ‘n hers portraits’ done in chocolate syrup? Price: $110,000. For a complete list of 2007 Christmas fantasy gifts,
I wanted to pass along congratulations to Joseph Saikaley, style guru extraordinaire and owner of Byblos Salon at Bank and First in the Glebe. Joseph was just appointed ‘style editor’ for Capital Style Magazine. Not only is Joseph an amazing stylist, from hair to make-up and fashion, he’s just a really great guy and a caring philanthropist. He is far too humble to publicize his contributions to charity and the well-being of others, so I will do it for him. Congratulations, Joseph! And yes, I am still biting my nails.
The Neiman Marcus list of Fantasy Christmas gifts is just what you need for the multi-millionaire or billionaire on your list. How about a ‘conversational robot’ which can hold conversations, recognize family members and give advice. Price: $75,000. Or a two-person submarine. Price: 1.4 million (and comes with a free keychain) Or (I love this one) how about ‘his ‘n hers portraits’ done in chocolate syrup? Price: $110,000. For a complete list of 2007 Christmas fantasy gifts,
I wanted to pass along congratulations to Joseph Saikaley, style guru extraordinaire and owner of Byblos Salon at Bank and First in the Glebe. Joseph was just appointed ‘style editor’ for Capital Style Magazine. Not only is Joseph an amazing stylist, from hair to make-up and fashion, he’s just a really great guy and a caring philanthropist. He is far too humble to publicize his contributions to charity and the well-being of others, so I will do it for him. Congratulations, Joseph! And yes, I am still biting my nails.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Now its Our Turn to Help the Goose Who Wouldn't Give Up
Throughout this past summer, golfers at the Amberwood Golf Course in Stittsville unofficially adopted a 'mascot': a Canada goose who could not fly. The bird was obviously born with a defect in its wings, (a condition called 'angel wings) yet he was able to walk, forage for food and 'be a goose'. His strong spirit was an inspiration. With colder weather, the good people at the Amberwood Golf Course took him to the Wild Bird Care Centre (we are so lucky to have this facility!) However, it would appear that bureaucracy BEYOND the Wild Bird Care Centre may be intervening, and the goose may be euthanized. The following is a press release about the story. Can we save Angel Wings?
221 Broadview Avenue, Suite 101
Toronto, ON M4M 2G3
416-462-9541 (p) 416-462-9647 (f)
Is the fate of this Ottawa goose cooked?
Fate of flightless Canada goose “Angel Wings” in the
hands of an agency with no jurisdiction!
Appeals made to Premier McGuinty and Minister
Baird, both Ottawa politicians to intervene to save this bird.
November 13, 2007: The fate of a flightless Canada goose who survived the first few months of his or her life on the grounds of the Amberwood Golf and County Club remains unresolved.
"This young goose has generated tremendous public interest here in Ottawa," said Donna DuBreuil, spokesperson with the Ontario Wildlife Coalition. "There has been a lot of public concern and media interest. The goose has a medical condition called “angel wing” which prevents it from flying. It is otherwise in good condition and has not only survived but thrived on a local golf course over the summer."
Because of the cold weather and approaching winter, the goose was removed from the golf course and is temporarily being held at the Wild Bird Care Centre. Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary could provide a permanent home for this goose because it has the necessary migratory bird permits and has a single non-releasable goose who needs a companion.
"We are deeply concerned with the fate of this bird," said Barry MacKay, Canadian Representative for the Animal Protection Institute. "Although the Canadian Wildlife Service has jurisdiction over migratory birds such as Canada geese, there are repeated references to the Ministry of Natural Resources as deciding the fate of the goose. In our estimation, this is very bad news for the goose given the Ministry's approach to many wildlife concerns."
"Ottawa residents are deeply concerned for the welfare of the goose and do not want to see the bird killed. They think this goose has earned the right to be placed in an appropriate captive-care facility to live with other geese," said Liz White, Director of Animal Alliance and spokesperson for the Ontario Wildlife Coalition. "With the involvement of the Ministry of Natural Resources, we are concerned about the fate of this goose. That’s why we've written to Premier McGuinty as an Ottawa area MPP to ensure that the Ministry does not breach its jurisdiction by determining the fate of this bird. And that's why we have written to the Honourable John Baird, federal Minister of the Environment, to intervene and ensure proper long term care placement for the goose."
- 30 –
Contact information: Donna DuBreuil, 613-726-8178, Barry MacKay 905-472-9731, Liz White, 416-462-9541, 416-809-4371(cell)
221 Broadview Avenue, Suite 101
Toronto, ON M4M 2G3
416-462-9541 (p) 416-462-9647 (f)
Is the fate of this Ottawa goose cooked?
Fate of flightless Canada goose “Angel Wings” in the
hands of an agency with no jurisdiction!
Appeals made to Premier McGuinty and Minister
Baird, both Ottawa politicians to intervene to save this bird.
November 13, 2007: The fate of a flightless Canada goose who survived the first few months of his or her life on the grounds of the Amberwood Golf and County Club remains unresolved.
"This young goose has generated tremendous public interest here in Ottawa," said Donna DuBreuil, spokesperson with the Ontario Wildlife Coalition. "There has been a lot of public concern and media interest. The goose has a medical condition called “angel wing” which prevents it from flying. It is otherwise in good condition and has not only survived but thrived on a local golf course over the summer."
Because of the cold weather and approaching winter, the goose was removed from the golf course and is temporarily being held at the Wild Bird Care Centre. Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary could provide a permanent home for this goose because it has the necessary migratory bird permits and has a single non-releasable goose who needs a companion.
"We are deeply concerned with the fate of this bird," said Barry MacKay, Canadian Representative for the Animal Protection Institute. "Although the Canadian Wildlife Service has jurisdiction over migratory birds such as Canada geese, there are repeated references to the Ministry of Natural Resources as deciding the fate of the goose. In our estimation, this is very bad news for the goose given the Ministry's approach to many wildlife concerns."
"Ottawa residents are deeply concerned for the welfare of the goose and do not want to see the bird killed. They think this goose has earned the right to be placed in an appropriate captive-care facility to live with other geese," said Liz White, Director of Animal Alliance and spokesperson for the Ontario Wildlife Coalition. "With the involvement of the Ministry of Natural Resources, we are concerned about the fate of this goose. That’s why we've written to Premier McGuinty as an Ottawa area MPP to ensure that the Ministry does not breach its jurisdiction by determining the fate of this bird. And that's why we have written to the Honourable John Baird, federal Minister of the Environment, to intervene and ensure proper long term care placement for the goose."
- 30 –
Contact information: Donna DuBreuil, 613-726-8178, Barry MacKay 905-472-9731, Liz White, 416-462-9541, 416-809-4371(cell)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Remember Forever
Today is Remembrance Day. We honour and remember the sacrifices made by Canadian men and women who fought - and continue to fight - for our freedom. My husband and I visited Vimy Ridge in August. The monument is stark and spectacular. The photos I took at Vimy Ridge do not do justice to the emotion you feel on that monument, overlooking the vast fields where so many lives were lost. We owe so much. We must never forget.
Angelina loves Cheezies from Belleville!

Matt Hamer, producer for 'the Morning After' on Bob FM, hails from beautiful Belleville. Belleville is the home of Hawkins Cheezies. It is a well-known fact that 'Hawkins Cheezies' are an official 'UN' product. (just check the label on the bag!) Angelina Jolie is a spokesperson for the UN. So it was just a matter of time before photographers caught her enjoying her favourite snack from Belleville Ontario. Thank you to James Stevenson for passing along the photo!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Firefighters Make Women Swoon
Thank you to Mark & Liz, Leslie & Kevin, and Jim &Yves for joining us on the ‘Bob’s Big Brain’ team at World Trivia Night! Over 230 teams raised $62,000 for Champions for Children and it was great fun. After placing ‘15th’ in the past 2 consecutive years, our goal this year was to finish in the coveted ‘14th’ spot. We finished in 27th place. If we had been able to use our cell phones and lap tops we may have won the whole thing. Oh well, there’s always next year……
Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! What is it about firefighters that make women ‘swoon’. That’s the only time you ever hear the word ‘swoon’. There’s still time to be in the same room as Ottawa firefighters, to be pampered by Ottawa firefighters, and to be swooned by Ottawa firefighters. Get your tickets to ‘What a Girl Wants’, a night out for women this Wednesday Nov 7th at the Westin Hotel, which includes a 3 course dinner, fashion shows, auction items, and firefighters. All proceeds to the Ottawa chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation, ticket info at!
Its Christmas time in the city! Yep, the official Christmas season kicked in as of midnight Oct 31st. Had to get that thing called ‘Hallowe’en’ out of the way first. I was in one of those 15-minute oil change places and they were playing Christmas music on November 1st. I can understand retailers playing Christmas music to get shoppers ‘in the mood’ to spend $$$$$.......but an ‘oil change’ garage? If I hear ‘Here Comes Santa Claus’ or ‘White Christmas’ at an oil change garage, will that make me buy a transmission flush for everyone on my list? Actually, that’s not a bad idea. May as well have a couple of jugs of windshield washer fluid wrapped with care under the tree too.
Thank you so much to Natalie and Jennifer, special guests of ‘The Morning After’ on Bob FM last Friday. These women are known as the ‘entertaining divas’ and they whipped up some pretty entertaining drinks right in the studio. The Wine and Food Show was back for another year with a lot of new products for people to chug, er..I mean, sip delicately. One new product is called ‘Pearl Pomegranate Vodka’ and its delicious. Here is the recipe for the ‘Santini’, a fantastic holiday martini that’s pretty to look at and it tastes great:
2 0z Pearl Pomegranate Vodka
1 oz Triple Sec
1 oz pomegranate or cranberry juice
Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime twist!
And here’s the ‘Pearl Flirtini’
1 ½ oz Pearl Pomegranate Vodka
4 oz chilled champagne
Splash of grenadine
Pour vodka into flute and add champagne to full. Add a splash of grenadine for color. Drink. Mmmmmm…
I wanted to pass along some information about a pet sanctuary that has recently come to my attention. They are called the ‘Westminster Pet Sanctuary’, located in Curran east of Ottawa, and for the past 15 years they have taken in ONLY special needs animals. These animals all require medical care, which of course is costly. They have dogs and cats that need help and the Westminster Pet Sanctuary needs money so desperately, for the first time in 15 years they are pleading with the public to give whatever they can. $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, whatever you can afford, they also have secure on-line PayPal so you can donate using Visa and they are a registered charity so your donation is tax deductible. For more information, go to
These animals need our help! Thank you!
Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! What is it about firefighters that make women ‘swoon’. That’s the only time you ever hear the word ‘swoon’. There’s still time to be in the same room as Ottawa firefighters, to be pampered by Ottawa firefighters, and to be swooned by Ottawa firefighters. Get your tickets to ‘What a Girl Wants’, a night out for women this Wednesday Nov 7th at the Westin Hotel, which includes a 3 course dinner, fashion shows, auction items, and firefighters. All proceeds to the Ottawa chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation, ticket info at!
Its Christmas time in the city! Yep, the official Christmas season kicked in as of midnight Oct 31st. Had to get that thing called ‘Hallowe’en’ out of the way first. I was in one of those 15-minute oil change places and they were playing Christmas music on November 1st. I can understand retailers playing Christmas music to get shoppers ‘in the mood’ to spend $$$$$.......but an ‘oil change’ garage? If I hear ‘Here Comes Santa Claus’ or ‘White Christmas’ at an oil change garage, will that make me buy a transmission flush for everyone on my list? Actually, that’s not a bad idea. May as well have a couple of jugs of windshield washer fluid wrapped with care under the tree too.
Thank you so much to Natalie and Jennifer, special guests of ‘The Morning After’ on Bob FM last Friday. These women are known as the ‘entertaining divas’ and they whipped up some pretty entertaining drinks right in the studio. The Wine and Food Show was back for another year with a lot of new products for people to chug, er..I mean, sip delicately. One new product is called ‘Pearl Pomegranate Vodka’ and its delicious. Here is the recipe for the ‘Santini’, a fantastic holiday martini that’s pretty to look at and it tastes great:
2 0z Pearl Pomegranate Vodka
1 oz Triple Sec
1 oz pomegranate or cranberry juice
Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime twist!
And here’s the ‘Pearl Flirtini’
1 ½ oz Pearl Pomegranate Vodka
4 oz chilled champagne
Splash of grenadine
Pour vodka into flute and add champagne to full. Add a splash of grenadine for color. Drink. Mmmmmm…
I wanted to pass along some information about a pet sanctuary that has recently come to my attention. They are called the ‘Westminster Pet Sanctuary’, located in Curran east of Ottawa, and for the past 15 years they have taken in ONLY special needs animals. These animals all require medical care, which of course is costly. They have dogs and cats that need help and the Westminster Pet Sanctuary needs money so desperately, for the first time in 15 years they are pleading with the public to give whatever they can. $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, whatever you can afford, they also have secure on-line PayPal so you can donate using Visa and they are a registered charity so your donation is tax deductible. For more information, go to
These animals need our help! Thank you!
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