PICTURED ABOVE...Kelly Leblanc of the Westminster Pet Sanctuary,
yours truly, Conner the wonder puppy, Conner's new mom Jan Hansen, and dog match-maker Steve Gregory!
Readers of this blog may know the story of little Conner, the stray puppy with quite a bleak future (he was 15 minutes from being euthanized after being found on the side of the road in the Port Hope area). I was part of a 'transport team' to bring him to Kelly at the Westminster Pet Sanctuary, where he has been getting stronger and healthier and happy-puppy-er (ok thats not a word). And this morning, after a visit to see us at BOB FM, Conner got a new home!! Thank you to Kelly for all she did to save this wonderful little guy, thank you to Steve Gregory for introducing Conner to Chum Radio's Jan Hansen (and her hubby Kirk), because now this pup is getting one fantastic home! Just in time for Christmas! All's well that end's well. What a great story!