Have you seen 'Batman: The Dark Night' yet?
I usually judge a movie in a very rudimentary way: after I've seen the movie, how long do I think about it? Have I put it out of my mind by the time I've driven home?
Do I not give it another thought the following day...unless someone asks about it? A friend of mine judges a movie by how many times he looks at his watch while its's playing.....five glances at his watch, the movie ain't great....two to four glances, there are some highlights....one glance, its a good movie. Not looking at his watch at all, now THAT's an entertaining film. 'The Dark Knight' is one of those movies. I was lucky enough to see the premiere last Wednesday, and five days later I'm still thinking about the film. Its intelligent, the plot is like a roller coaster...the acting is superb and The Dark Knight leaves you breathless. I may even go and see it again.
There is only one movie that I've seen more than once in a theatre. In fact, I saw it 4 or 5 times. I was a kid and I took the bus to the Elgin Theatre on Elgin Street every Saturday, to see 'Rocky'. I thought Rocky was the best movie ever. Not only was Rocky a down-and-out, very sympathetic character, he loved animals too. It was the perfect film for me. I even had the soundtrack album which I played over and over again in my bedroom. I kinda lost touch with the original 'Rocky' movie because things started to get a bit silly, with ridiculous plots catapulting the Rocky sequels into eternal mockery. But 3 years ago I took a screen-writing workshop and for one magical class, the teacher brought in a DVD copy of 'Rocky', the original, and popped it into the DVD player. She wanted the students to watch some pivotal scenes in the movie, and to learn from it. That day, the teacher told us something I guess I knew all along: Rocky was about as perfect a movie as has ever been made, before, or since.
Will 'The Dark Knight' still have people talking years from now? It just might. Then again, I have friends that are still talking about 'Meet the Klumps'.