This is a snapshot (taken last year) of a room that was about to explode with laughter, at the annual BALDERDASH BALL!!!
What is the 'Balderdash Ball', you ask? It is a FOOLS FABLE CONTEST!! Come and hear fables and yarns and spoofs, and just plain 'balderdashery' - presented in a fashion that BEGS FOR votes, as it IS a contest!! This is my first year participating in the Balderdash Ball, and I'm really looking forward to it! I haven't figured out what yarn I will spin yet. I can either make the whole story up or tell a story with an ounce of truth. Maybe I'll talk about the time I met Morgan Fairchild...yeah...thats right. Morgan Fairchild!
Get your tickets now for this hilarious evening, dinner, dance and silent auction, with all proceeds to Childrens Village and the Debra Dynes Family House. It all takes place on Saturday April 4th at the Ukrainian Banquet Hall, 1000 Byron Avenue. Tickets are just $60 each, available by calling 613-725-2040 ext 139, or 613-224-3824. I may bring Morgan Fairchild with me.