Does anyone know anyone who knows Alanis Morissette? Its a very real possibility that after the CRTC hearing on December 7th, local television may cease to exist. Our beloved 'A' and 'CTV Ottawa' are both in serious danger. But, the good news is that we can help if our voices are heard! www.localtvmatters.com has all the details. Now, back to Alanis. Ottawa's own Alanis Morissette got her 'start' on a show right here on CJOH TV (now CTV Ottawa) called, 'You Can't Do That on Television'. She was the cutest kid, acting out comedy sketches and getting covered in green slime! I think Alanis would be just the right person to shed light on the importance of local tv. So I wrote a song for her. If you know anyone who knows anyone who knows her, can you have her give us a call? Did you go to school with her, jog with her, did you take the bus to Glebe Collegiate with her? I figure with the help of the fantastic BOB FM listeners, we can get Alanis to call us on the phone, at which point I will give her the words to the song, and she can sing them back, over the phone. Simple! She can feel free to change any of the words if she likes. And just for her time, I would like to offer her a token of a $50 gift certificate to the Lone Star. Thank you for helping me find Alanis, who will in turn help to save local television, and enjoy an outing of fajitas as well. Its 'win win', don't you think? my email is mornings@939bobfm.com
oh yeah....here's the song written for Alanis. Hope you like it. thank you very much for your time
My Local TV
My local tv, my local tv
Its been there for you and me
Deserving of adulation and congratulations
Because what is a nation that is not tied together by local stations
My local tv, my local tv
You define our community
Everyone has a story to tell
Its local tv that listens
So now its time to take a stand
Because we are on a mission
My local tv, my local tv
Its been there for you and me
Local tv, local tv
I got my start on local tv
Yes I got slimed on local tv....