Foxy needs your help and your prayers.
Some of you may already know about the tragic loss Barrhaven resident Mike Wass has suffered just recently with the loss of his wife Jaye on October 22nd 2010. She was killed in a car accident while visiting in San Jose. Their Son, Kyler was also in the car and was severely injured This is such a tragedy and it has torn this young family apart. Unfortunately, this was not the only tragic accident that has affected this family recently. Mike just arrived home from the hospital with his son and found out that the dog that Mike, Jaye and Kyler love so much also had an accident and was injured. Foxy has a blown disk in her back and will require a very expensive surgery to give her the best possible chance at surviving and having the quality of life she deserves. She is such a wonderful dog, affectionate, playful, energetic and always so happy. She is such a big part of the Wass family.
Mike has already lost his wife and Kyler has lost his mother. Lets do everything we can to make sure they do not have to suffer through the loss of their beloved pet Foxy.
Foxy is at the vet right now and needs this surgery ASAP. The surgery is going to cost approx $7,000 so please make a donation to help cover the cost. Every little bit will help and would be appreciated so much.
You can send a cheque to this address:
Attention: Trevor Amsden c/o Save Foxy Fund
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 343 Preston Street, Ottawa, ON, K0A 1T0
To make a donation to the Help Foxy PayPal account, please go here: