This afternoon, the First Air hangar was the location for some very exciting news! Donations of hockey gear for Inuit children in our northern communities just got a much-needed gift: fifty more sets of brand new equipment from the National Hockey League Players Association (adding to their previous donation!) Project North creator Michelle Valberg was thrilled to host a very special news conference. Mrs Laureen Harper is a fan of Project North and was on hand to show support for this wonderful cause, along with Ottawa Senators' Chris Phillips and his wife Erin. Huge thanks to Scott, Chris and Judy from First Air, who have donated cargo space on several flights to northern communities- bringing hockey bags stuffed with gear to some very excited kids. The most recent donated gear is headed to Hall Beach north of the Arctic Circle. 2010 National Aboriginal Role Model Heidi Langille and a very sweet Inuk boy Yavuz Sundu accepted the gear on behalf of the community of Hall Beach. For information on how you can help Project North, please go to!

(above) Happy faces: Project North gets some great news!

(above) Mrs Laureen Harper and Michelle Valberg

(above) Ottawa Senators' Chris Phillips and Mrs Laureen Harper

(above) Yvuz Sundu and Heidi Langille (2010 National Aborginal Role Model)

(above) one more photo displaying sheer happiness! Nothing spreads faster than good karma!