Memories.....like the corners of our minds....blah blah the way we were.......'

(above) I shared the news with a limpkin
Ok, so its been ten days since the news broke about Mike Fisher being traded to the Nashville Predators. As the president of the Mike Fisher Fan Club, it is finally time for me to break my blog silence on this story; I have been in denial for the past few days and just today I have summoned the strength to write about it.
Right up there with OJ Simpsons' white Bronco highway chase, I believe that this will always be a 'where were you when' story. Where were YOU when you first heard the news that our big strapping Mike Fisher was leaving Ottawa? I remember it like it was yesterday. I suppose that statement will be more admirable in 10 years. Anyway, I digress. Precisely at the time that the media was being informed that Number 12 was going to Nashville, I was two thousand miles away, at the Corkscrew Bird Sanctuary outside of Fort Myers Florida. I had dropped my friend Terrie off at a huge outlet mall and journeyed solo to the Corkscrew marshlands in search of herons and egrets to photograph. Making my way through the swamp, I suddenly stopped in my tracks at the sound of a huge shriek coming from a thicket. Birders gathered quickly, until the source of the sound finally appeared atop a bed of water lettuce: it was a limpkin!
A big brown heron-like bird with spots, not often seen and quite a cause for celebration. I was lucky enough to get some photos, but my joy at seeing the elusive limpkin was rather short-lived. It was then that the sky turned black, the birds flew away, and the birders glared in my general direction as I fumbled to answer my extremely loud cell phone. It was my husband, calling to tell me the news. Mike Fisher had just been traded to Nashville. And there I stood, alone in a humid Florida swamp, not even a limpkin to keep me company in my hour of need. Sigh. But I will say its great to be back in Ottawa, and to be part of the support system that is the Mike Fisher Fan Club, we all look out for each other, we all need to remain strong. Now we just need to figure out what to do with all of our Mike Fisher posters, action figures, and of course the life-size cardboard cut-outs. I do admit that number 12 also looks pretty good in blue. Nasvhille Road trip anyone?