(Vinney, Mel, Greg, Hammer, me)
Our friend Greg Hebert stopped by the studio this week. Greg's voice was heard many times over the years on the BOB FM morning newscasts- and along with his newscaster talents he was the host of 'Business at Night' on our sister station 580 CFRA. Greg has been fighting a rare form of cancer for the past two years. In typical Greg Hebert style, he is taking on this disease the best way he knows how: with utmost strength, a positive attitude, and he is leading an unbelievable charge- gathering the troops to hear his story, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And he is telling his story. To everyone. This guy is not feeling sorry for himself. With his beautifull wife Lauren supporting him every step of the way, Greg is helping to raise awareness, which in turn raises thousands of dollars for cancer research. The 'Do It For Dad' Run on June 19th is already over $35,000 richer thanks to 'team greggybear'. (Greggybear is the affectionate nick-name for Greg...say 'Greg Hebert' out loud a few times and you'll see why) Greg is also the honorary co-captain of the 'Celebrity VIP Team' that has a goal of another $25,000. Please consider a donation towards the research that is so desperately needed to kick cancer to the curb. www.ottawacancer.ca (with links to the 'Alterna Do It for Dad' event) Cancer touches so many lives and there are so many great stories of triumph. The optimism is free, the science costs money. Greg Hebert is our hero. In the weeks ahead on 'Bob's Breakfast', we pledge to help Greg spread the word. Please join us.