This past Friday to Sunday was a life-changing experience for me. Eleven of us journeyed to Pond Inlet on the north-eastern shore of Baffin Island, Nunuvut, to deliver donations of hockey gear to the kids in this tiny Inuit community. The organization 'Project North' (projectnorth.ca) was co-founded by Ottawa's own Michelle Valberg, a world-class photographer who's passion for Canada's north is second to none. In fact, she currently has a wonderful photography exhibit at the Museum of Nature called 'Arctic Kaleidoscope' (www.nature.ca) Although it may not seem possible, her heart is just as big as her yearning for all things 'arctic', and "Project North' was born. After several trips to Canada's north, Michelle saw that the Inuit children had a basic need for sports equipment; skates and hockey sticks and clothing and all those good things that our children take for granted- it is all in very short supply in these remote communities. Requests for donations of these items (and cash!) were answered by the citizens of Ottawa, and the National Hockey League Dreams and Goals fund also stepped in. Big time. First Air were one of the first major sponsors, ensuring that those donations were tucked away on northern-bound planes. After a full day of experiencing the stunning landscape that is Pond Inlet, we were all invited to a frozen pond where a flat-bed pick-up truck became an impromptu stage. Hundreds of residents gathered around as Michelle thanked the Project North sponsors: First Air, Matthew Langen of the NHLPA, Scotiabank, Kott North (an Ottawa builder dedicated to building sturdy homes in Canada's north), Dymon Self Storage, and an army of supporters. $25,000 worth of hockey gear from the NHLPA was then put to the test. From the Colorado Avalanche, Kyle Quincy laced up his skates and a spirited hockey game began. Seeing the Inuit kids hustle up and down the ice in their new gear was a sight I will never forget. Karma is a beautiful thing and it was everywhere that day. More Project North trips are being planned, once donation goals are reached. Please consider the gift of team spirit for our Canadian kids up north, and look into projectnorth.ca
A special thanks too- for David Reid of Polar Sea Adventures. (www.polarseaadventures.com) Words can't describe how incredible it is to journey over a frozen sea, climb an iceberg the size of a mountain, feel tiny next to towering hoo doos or tuck into a sled pulled by majestic blue-eyed dogs. I strongly urge you to experience Canada's north. It truly makes you feel alive. And David Reid is the man to guide you through it all.
Thanks to my amazing troupe, Michelle, Kyle, Matt, Ryan, Jeff, Karen, Dennis, Dorothy, Kelly, and Sylvain Renaud the amazing videographer (Reno Video Productions) who spent most of the time dangling from something just to get the perfect footage. Whew! What a ride!!
p.s. thanks again to Dana Hall and the kids at Queen Elizabeth School in Ottawa- for your kind letters & drawings to the kids in Pond Inlet. And yes, my -100F rated Sorel boots did the job!