(this is an audio recording from Tyler's visit to BOB last spring!)
Our good friend, 12 year old Tyler Huneault is back in the BOB FM studio tomorrow morning, to chat about his garage sale on Saturday!
WHEN: Saturday, May 7, 2011 (* rain or shine)
TIME: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
WHERE: 1407 McMahon Ave (*corner of Albion Road )
Tyler is a 12-year old boy. As a baby, he was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disorder called SIALIDOSIS. In fact, he is the only known child living with this disorder in North America . The simple explanation of it is that Tyler 's body does not produce a certain enzyme, which breaks down and disposes of waste nutrients. While it is fortunate that SIALIDOSIS is so incredibly rare, this also means extremely limited funding for any research, and very little focus on the disorder. With that being said, enzyme replacement research for SIALIDOSIS is being conducted at McMaster University. For this reason, we strive to raise funds to assist with this research in SIALIDOSIS at McMaster University through our Annual Garage Sale.
Donate items to sell. Items in good clean condition may be dropped off at our home. If you have an item that is of high value that you would like to sell, but don’t want to donate all of the proceeds, a partial donation would also be greatly appreciated. If it doesn’t sell, it will be returned to you. Heavy items can also be sold, however we are unable to pick up or deliver them for you. We would be happy to display them on a photo table with the price and contact information. Baby safety items like cribs and car seats cannot be resold because of by-laws for safety regulation. Also we have come to realize over the years we cannot sell old electronics of any sort. So please do not donate old tv’s, computer monitors, cordless telephones unless they are younger than 3 years old.
Make a financial donation. Cheques should be addressed to McMaster University, and indicate “Sialidosis Research Fund “ in the memo line of the cheque. Income tax receipts will be issued by McMaster University.
Volunteer to help at the Garage Sale. Even a couple of hours would be greatly appreciated!
Hold a garage sale, then donate some of your proceeds to McMaster University.
*** If you can help, please contact Giovanni at 613 - 4065555 , or email giovannipublicist@yahoo.ca !
Thank you for your generosity! Ida, Perry, and Tyler