(pictured above: the classic Elmdale Tavern)
On thursday April 28th, due to the high winds, a tree fell on the corner of Wellington and Hamilton and struck Lauren Gerro, a 26 year-old staff member of Global Pet Foods. She has both legs broken in pieces below the knees and has undergone extensive surgery to both legs.
Lauren is like many part-timers. Young and works really, really hard to pay her bills. I am honoured to be the emcee of a fundraiser at The Elmdale on Saturday May 14th from 2 to 6pm. Come out and enjoy some amazing local musicians! Karla Briones from Global Pet Foods and Nat Myles from the Elmdale are gathering up as many prizes as possible, so if you can donate, please contact them!
100% of moneys raised will help Lauren through her rehab.
There will be music from 2pm to 6pm and all kinds of prizes drawn from donations from local businesses.
Musicians: Scott Bradley, RW Haller, Amanda Rheaume, Rob Bennett, Lefty MCrighty, Ray Harris and Steve Donnelly
And this is an all ages event, so bring the kids too! For more information, contact
Nat, 613-728-2848, or email elmdaletavern@me.com