There was a gorgeous breeze, the sun was a warm gold and the crowd was smiling again last night as night 2 of Bluesfest got under way. One of our favourite local bands, Monkeyjunk kicked things off right on the National Bank Stage. Tony D, Steve Marriner and Matt Sobb are one powerful trio and their star power continues to rise! Caught some of Bedouin Soundclash then joined the thousands reserving their tiny piece of real estate in front of the MBNA stage. A raucous round of cheers greeted 'The Roots' : a bit of everything, hip hop, funk, metal guitar and audience teases- The Roots were electrifying! Ben Harper was next up. Harper's searing guitar style and leading man looks puts him on the world stage. He is always a favourite at Bluesfest. One of the things I love about Bluesfest is the nightly surprise: catching a band that I have never heard of, and walking away quite anxious to get my hands on their music so I can spread the word. Last night, that band was 'The Gentlemen Husbands'. If you're a fan of the Black Crowes or The Sheepdogs, and you caught the 'Gentlemen Husbands' set last night, then you were likely as thrilled as I was. Check them out on Youtube and better still, go see them next time they swing through town. They are from Cobourg Ont so chances are we will get to see them again soon.