OK, so I am not the most technically savvy person on the planet. Can you see the poster above? Probably not, unless you have Superman-like vision. Or maybe a magnifying glass. The good news is, you can download a copy of this poster for yourself, just go to www.ottawahumane.ca
Right on the front page of the Ottawa Humane Society's website is everything you need to know about this year's Wiggle Waggle Walkathon!
Bring your dogs, your friends, your family, enter a team or walk solo! Its a huge fundraiser for the animals at the Ottawa Humane Society and it is a ton of fun! It takes place Sunday, Sept 11th on Riverside Drive across from the RA Centre. Hope to see you there! If you can't make it, I would be more than happy to walk on your behalf. Here's a link to my Wiggle Waggle Walkathon donation page:
thank you very much!!!! Sandy