Happy New Year!!! According to business sources, the month of January is one of the top months for job hiring. So, if you're about the pound the pavement, be sure you are ready for that all-important interview. With that in mind, may I present:
How long does it usually take to get a promotion around here?
Is this interview going to take long? I have to be somewhere in half an hour.
Why did the last person leave?
What is it that this company does?
I’m just going to go ahead and answer the question that I wished you asked.
I’m going on vacation soon so once you hire me, you will have to work around that.
I really hope I get this job because I can’t believe how great the salary is!
I would have to say my biggest strength is my ability to mimic barnyard animal sounds.
I left my previous job because it was quite obvious that I was in over my head.
My biggest weakness is probably my inability to get along with anyone.
Personal goals? Yes, I have several! I would like to win more poker games and I hope one day to own a new sofa.
Can I work from home? I don’t really like getting up in the morning.