How are you dealing with the heat? JR from the ‘Morning After’ on BOB FM visits his local beer store and just stays in the cooler room. At my place we don’t have air conditioning, just a couple of fans. One way for me to beat the heat is to skip dinner and just have a giant bowl of ice cream. Not sure if it cools me down, but who cares.
A listener called us from upper New York State to tell us that she’d been whitewater rafting with Bruce Springsteen last week. She didn’t have tickets to the show in Ottawa because she was too shy to ask him at the time. They were rafting down the Hudson River in the Adirondack Mountain area. She wanted BOB FM to give her some Springsteen tickets, and she promised a secret about Bruce in return. Hmmm. She had to win the tickets fair and square, we couldn’t just give them to her, so we never did find out that secret about the Boss. Oh well. All I could picture was Bruce Springsteen in a wetsuit.
If you have goldfish or your kids have goldfish, maybe you can explain this one. I have a goldfish that looks like he’s no longer living, about every 2nd day. One day he’s belly up, not moving, game over, then the next day he’s swimming around like crazy. This has been going on since January. I have spent about $200 on various medications for this 19 cent fish, and he still pretends he’s expired on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. If he’s doing this just for attention, not a bad idea. Here I am writing about him.
Many thanks go out to a wonderful BOB FM listener, Val. Val has offered me a horse. I can’t take the horse right now, as my yard is not big enough, but I sure appreciate the offer.
Looks like they’re going to have to bring in more porta-potties at Bluesfest. The beer sales are soaring this year and the line-ups for johnny-on-the-spot are crazy. People are dancing more in the loo line than they are watching the live bands. I’m ok with porta-potties as long as there’s still some light in the sky. As soon as the porta-potty is under the dark of night, and I can’t see what lies in wait, thats when things get sticky. Sorry about that.