I just got my Christmas photos back from the photo store. They were the pictures from Christmas 2005. When I first got my digital camera, I thought it would be a lot easier to get photos printed than with the oh-so-dated ‘film’ concept. But here’s the way I look at it: with film, you put the film in the camera, take the pictures, bring the film to the store, pick up the prints. That’s 4 steps.
Now, lets look at digital photography. You snap away at everything and anything because you don’t have to pay for a print that you don’t want. So you have 47 pictures of the dog sleeping on the couch, the 23 shots of the moon, the 52 shots of your friend’s birthday cake, and about 600 other pictures over the next few months. And the more you procrastinate about downloading/making prints out of those pictures, you are now at about 1000 pictures that require your attention, and who has time to deal with that? Finally on a snowy Sunday, you sit down at the computer and download all the pictures. Then you write down which pictures you promised to send to friends by e-mail. You look up all their email addresses and patiently wait for your computer to email all the pictures of the birthday party, last St Pattys Day, camping on the May long weekend. And some friends wanted the squirrel picture too. Then you look at all 1300 pictures again and decide which ones to make into prints. Then you download these onto several discs and bring them to the photo store. The bill for processing comes to $327.00. And now you have a thousand pictures waiting to go into photo albums. Again you need an entire snowy Sunday to put 1000 pictures into photo albums.
I think I miss my old camera. The one that took film.
I recently saw the movie ‘Children of Men’. Didn’t laugh once. Actually, I call it ‘ the feel awful movie of the year’. But, it was excellent. It’s a film that takes place in the year 2027 (which adds to the fear factor, because its really not that far off). A world-wide flu pandemic has wiped out millions of people, and left all the women of the world unable to bear children. Clive Owen is fabulous in this movie. Julianne Moore puts in a great performance too. I highly recommend the film, but just make sure you’re in the mood for it. Not a date flick. And, oh yeah, get your flu shot.
Thank you to Susan and Bob of Bridlewood Kanata for generously giving me a new life-sized cardboard cut-out of Mike Fisher. My original Mike Fisher was ‘lifted’ from my office shortly before Christmas, never to be returned. Susan heard my lament on the air and now I have a brand new Mike Fisher who enjoys watching the Ottawa Senator games with me on the couch.
Valentines Day is coming fast! I was reminded about Valentines Day by our producer, Hammer, who asked the question: ‘When is Valentines Day this year’? We are still chiding him about that one. I used to have a boyfriend who complained every year that Valentines Day always arrived on the day BEFORE the 15th of the month, which was pay-day. So I always had to wait until the next day to get flowers or chocolates. And, as an added bonus, by waiting one day he got everything at 50 percent off. Now that’s romantic.