Taking pictures of butterflies is a fun way to get out of house-work or getting an oil change.
Just got back from holidays. The Senators didn’t win the Stanley Cup but I’d like to be the one millionth person to say THANK YOU to the team for so much excitement. I had to take holidays just to recover from all the screaming and the shouting. Maybe I shouldn’t scream and shout quite that much.
My week off was quite un-eventful. At the cottage, I weeded gardens, went for a few boat rides, chased a deer away from the road, shooed a snapping turtle away from the road, basically spent a lot of time keeping things off the road. That was about it. Oh yeah, and I got hit by lightning. Well, sort of. I was standing in the kitchen, wiping excess pina colada off the kitchen counter, with an electrical storm brewing nearby. Suddenly I heard a huge C-R-A-C-K. Then I realized that the ‘cr-r-a-c-k’ noise was actually coming from my body. This made me scream at the top of my lungs. My scream was then followed by a giant thundercrack, the house shook, and my husband ran into the room. He knew something was wrong because normally I scream AFTER a thundercrack. This time I screamed BEFORE the thundercrack. As it turned out, I had been a conducter for an electrical surge caused by lightning. I had no idea this could happen while you’re in your cottage wiping pina colada off the counter. For the next 15 minutes, I was a bit zombie-like but that was about it. I’m still waiting for some sort of super-power to kick in. I would love to be able to start the barbeque with my eyes.