School’s out!!! That has to be in the top 3 ‘best moments ever’, next to a visit from Santa Claus, and finding a 20 dollar bill in your pocket.
After the final school bell, it usually took me about 2 days to announce my first ‘Mom! There’s nothing to do’!
I can’t get over all the day camps that are out there for kids this summer. When I was a kid, camp was camp, the name of the camp started with a ‘W’ and ended with an ‘N’, and there was about 32 letters in between, and there were bunk beds and rowboats and campfires and sunburns and mosquitoes. Nowadays, there are hockey camps, soccer camps, ballet camps, art camps, science fiction camps (uh oh), animal husbandry camps, woodworking camps, cooking camps, swimming camps, weight loss camps, astronomy camps. I would believe it if someone told me that there are also Nintendo camps, and for those in the Ottawa area, how about a ‘light rail transit’ camp.
The first of five BOB FM ‘Movies on the Beach’ is this Friday at dusk, at Westboro Beach, and as voted by the wonderful BOB listeners, there will be a screening of ‘JAWS’! Bring the whole family out, its FREE! We think it’s a good idea to introduce JAWS to a whole new generation of people who will be forever afraid to dip their big toe into an ocean. After I saw JAWS back in 1975, it took me a long time to go swimming in Mississippi Lake near Carleton Place. And my brothers were like everyone else’s brothers who insisted on popping out of the water and acting just like a shark, so the girls would all scream at the top of our lungs. We did this every day for the entire month of July in 1975. It never got boring.
My husband went clothes shopping yesterday. Something he does once every 2 years, whether he needs to or not. He came home with two shirts, that are exactly the same. Same color, same style, exactly the same shirt. Two of them. He liked them so much, he bought two. This was just one of those moments that really define the differences between men and women.
We have a masked marauder at our place. Masked marauder. That’s often the way newspaper columnists describe a raccoon. I woke up Sunday morning to a front lawn covered in garbage. The raccoon had a great night, there were ice cream containers to lick clean, steak bones to gnaw on, potato peels, he even chewed on a Visa bill. But he definitely hit the jackpot with the corn on the cob. Raccoons have hands just like people and they love to eat corn on the cob. Its quite cute, actually, they eat corn on the cob with their hands just like people.
I checked on Youtube to see if there’s a video of a raccoon eating corn, and would you believe, out of 4 million videos, there isn’t ONE of a raccoon eating corn?! Can you believe it? There is, however, a Youtube video of a raccoon eating Kraft cheese slices.
Happy Canada Day! I love Canada Day. What a party. Wear red! Go downtown! Shout and cheer! Hey wait a minute, didn’t we just do this during the Stanley Cup play-offs….