Gentlemen, start your engines! Ladies, start your engines! Everyone, start your engines! Then start your computers, charge up your phones, make sure you have gas in the car, maybe even a lawn chair and a sleeping bag. Its MEGA CONCERT ticket buying time once again!! At least I ‘think’ it will be. I’m pretty sure it will be. I am, of course, talking about none other than BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN AND THE E STREET BAND, coming to Scotiabank Place on Sunday October 14th and the tickets go on sale at 10 am MONDAY SEPT 17TH!!! What to do, what to do? Hope you have the ‘fastest finger’ on the phones? Or the ‘highest speed’ internet? What about doing the old fashioned thing, calling in sick and lining up outside Sports Experts? If I’m not mistaken, the last time Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band played the Corel Centre (as it was called in 2003), tickets sold out in 71 minutes, which I believe is still a record. And if you have never seen Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band live in concert, believe me when I tell you, outside of your wedding day, the birth of your children and grandchildren, and the unconditional love of pets, and maybe Christmas, that there is no greater joy on the face of the earth than a Bruce Springsteen concert. And I am not one to exaggerate.