Sandy Sharkey

So, how are you enjoying 'Kindness Week'? It first occurred to me that it was 'Kindness Week' when I watched two guys get into a brawl at the Rideau Street McDonalds at 7 o'clock last Monday morning, which also happened to be Family Day. These guys were not in the spirit of either occasion. However, 'Kindness Week' has certainly improved since then.
I love the idea of giving someone a 'kindness card' when you see them do something kind...whether its helping someone with their groceries or holding the door open or not sending a big torrent of water their way when you drive through a giant puddle. Ottawa police are handing out 'kindness citations'. Sure beats getting a fine for not coming to a full stop. Thank you to Detective Brenda Kerr for walking right into the BOB FM studio this morning to deliver a citation to JR, who has been a bit of a 'doubting Thomas' with regards to Kindness Day. His face did lighten up when she told him that she had hand-cuffs.