Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And now..the Heroes of the Day!!

Its time to say 'Thank You' to 2 wonderful people in our community who have done some amazing things:
Maggie Furmanczyk, who works at the Riverside campus of the Ottawa Hospital. What did Maggie do? Well, when she heard about the Westminster Pet Sanctuary's need to raise $3000 for an animal rescue van, Maggie took action! She is an artist, and offered to paint portraits for hospital co-workers, with all proceeds to the 'Majic Critter Bus' campaign. Maggie raised $950! YAY!!! Way to go Maggie! If you would like to contribute, go to www.westminsterpetsanctuary.com

And congratulations go to Grace Papenburg, an 11 year old student at 'Reine-des-bois' School in Orleans. Grace loves animals very much, and gave a presentation to her class. She is not afraid to stand up for animals who need our help, and that makes her a true hero in my books. Grace also encouraged her class-mates to sign the petition at www.helpbabywildlife.ca , a very important initiative which encourages people to share this world with wildlife, in an atmosphere of respect rather than conflict. Way to go, Grace!!!