Back from vacation! While on holidays I learned how to make words show up in different colors.
just kidding. I did have a lot of plans for my holidays, none of which ever materialized. I like to blame it on the rain.
We did manage to get away for a 3-day jaunt to Boston to see Bruce Springsteen. Best show ever!!! This was my 30th Springsteen show, and I know I say 'best show ever' for each and every one of them, but I really mean it this time.
Just before the show it was a huge thrill to meet Bruce's best friend, fellow E-Streeter and star of the Sopranos, Little Steven. What a nice guy. I forgot to ask him if there was going to be a Sopranos movie. Also forgot to ask him what the heck the final Sopranos episode was about. Little Steven was really nice but let's face it...isn't this a typical 'fan meets star' photo? Is there one photo that exists where the 'star' has as big a smile as the 'fan'? If there is, send it to me and I'll post 'er right here!