Grade 5 student Jeris Chalmers-Wein called the radio show this week and we got to chatting about this and that. Turned out, later that day she was making a presentation to her science class. She had created a lava lamp. Intrigued, I asked Jeris for the instructions so I , too, can make a lava lamp. I've posted the details here so we can all make lava lamps. Just one more way to get through a long Ottawa winter! Thanks, Jeris. p.s. her presentation received applause from the class! When I was in grade 5, my science presentation ended abruptly with a few students losing their eyebrows.
What you need to make a lava lamp is: vegetable oil, food colouring, rubbing alcohol, a funnel, water, an empty water bottle, Eno.
Step 1: take the empty water bottle and pour in 3/4c of vegetable oil
Step 2: pour rubbing alcohol to equal 1/2 way in water bottle
Step 3: add water until level with the top
Step 4: add your favourite food colouring and wait until it sinks to the bottom.
Step 5: add 1 1/2 package of eno
Step 6: when done finished bubbling, shake for 3 seconds and observe