Happy New Year!!!! All the best for 2009!
Let's see....the transit strike is still on...the economy ain't great...and Mike Fisher is dating Carrie Underwood! Whaaaattttt?
How did this happen?
What does Carrie Underwood have? Beauty, talent, money. Hmm. Same things as Mike Fisher.
As president of the official Mike Fisher Fan Club, I am still digesting the news.
I am already starting to hear from fan club members, and the emotions are high.
Here is one email I received today:
"Sandy!!! My heart is breaking this morning over the possibility of the attached article: https://webmail.ott.chumltd.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009/01/04/carrie-underwood-mike-fisher-couple/ No one can compete with that blond hair and southern charm!!!!"
- Erin
- Erin
All I can say is, Erin, never give up. It ain't over til the blonde lady sings. Which I believe to be the day she steps in to replace Linden Slewidge to sing the national anthem at Scotiabank Place.
Until then, never give up!