(pictured) Andy Parent and Nira. Nira was blinded when a member of his owner's family stabbed his eyes with pencils. This gentle horse is 31 years old, and now enjoys his peaceful life at the Big Sky Animal Sanctuary.
You could put all of the philosophers of the world together in one place and not one of them would be able to answer this question: why would a man like Andy Parent be stricken with an incurable form of leukemia? Andy is the owner of the Big Sky Animal Sanctuary in Kemptville. I first met this big burly man in the spring of 2006. He had called to ask my help promoting an event that he was planning for the summer, at his Big Sky Ranch. I had never heard of the Big Sky Ranch, but I was curious. As Andy explained, he had basically turned his own farm into a sanctuary for animals that no one wanted anymore. The mis-fits. The aged, the weak, the animals that were victims of abuse. Andy called them all 'God's creatures', and he felt they all deserved a second chance. One after one, they began to arrive. Horses, dogs, cats, pigs, llamas...not one animal was ever turned away. All were given names, loving care, and dignity to live out their lives. After chatting with Andy on the phone, one Sunday afternoon my husband and I, and my young neice Kelly drove out to see what the Big Sky Ranch was all about. It was picture perfect. Once-abused dogs, with every reason to be angry, but instead loving and happy. Horses that were once starved, now healthy and content. Pigs, goats, sheep, each had arrived with a story...but each sad story became just a memory under the watchful eye of the man with the big heart, Andy Parent.
BOB FM was glad to help out the ranch for the first ever 'Animalfest' in 2006, and to continue the support to this day. Steve Gregory and I have since become good friends with Andy. We both feel priviledged to know the man. The man who has given his entire life to helping others, visiting schools and seniors centres to spread the joy that is : the unmistakable bond between humans and animals and the respect that we all deserve.
A few weeks ago, Andy Parent was diagnosed with incurable leukemia. For his wife Cathy, and sons Andrew and Curtis (who is autistic), there is no sadder news. And for the rest of us who love Andy, we will do what we can to cheer him on and be there for him, to offer our support and try to step in and help out with Big Sky Animal Sanctuary, a dream come true for the man with the world's biggest heart.
Steve Gregory produced a video for Big Sky, please check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3dlw1mi5Y
If you can offer a donation, please do. www.bigskyranch.ca
And if you have any ideas, offers of support, fundraising possibilities, anything at all, please email me at ssharkey@939bobfm.com
thank you.
We love you, Andy!!!!!!!!!