Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tale of Two Neils

Neil Diamond

not to be confused with Neil Young

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World
Neil Diamond, Scotiabank Place, Sunday night. Neil Young, Scotiabank Place, Tuesday night. I went to both shows, and there were remarkably few similiarities between these 2 concerts. lol.
One thing I know for sure, my husband was not embarrassed to be at the Neil Young show, but I can't say the same about the Neil Diamond show. Especially after I threw a pair of underwear on the stage , which landed right at Neil Diamond's feet. I thought this would un-leash the throngs of thongs that women were no doubt going to start tossing at Neil Diamond...but, to my horror, no one else threw a single under-garment. It has since been pointed out to me that you don't throw underwear at Neil Diamond. You throw underwear at Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdinck. Ooops. The entire cringe-worthy moment was captured on the Jumbo-tron, along with my husband's red face.
Two nights later, Neil Young rocked the 'Bank' like only Neil can. It was a great show!! And no one tossed any underwear.