Neil Diamond

not to be confused with Neil Young

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World
Neil Diamond, Scotiabank Place, Sunday night. Neil Young, Scotiabank Place, Tuesday night. I went to both shows, and there were remarkably few similiarities between these 2 concerts. lol.
One thing I know for sure, my husband was not embarrassed to be at the Neil Young show, but I can't say the same about the Neil Diamond show. Especially after I threw a pair of underwear on the stage , which landed right at Neil Diamond's feet. I thought this would un-leash the throngs of thongs that women were no doubt going to start tossing at Neil Diamond...but, to my horror, no one else threw a single under-garment. It has since been pointed out to me that you don't throw underwear at Neil Diamond. You throw underwear at Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdinck. Ooops. The entire cringe-worthy moment was captured on the Jumbo-tron, along with my husband's red face.
Two nights later, Neil Young rocked the 'Bank' like only Neil can. It was a great show!! And no one tossed any underwear.