Its Disco Inferno Vegas Night! OK so the poster above may be a bit 'small' to read - its an event thats BIGGER THAN LIFE!! Thursday, April 16th Restaurant eighteen invites you to put on your best platform shoes, flare pants, white suits or any other fashions that made an impression from the movie 'Saturday Night Fever'! Its DISCO INFERNO VEGAS NIGHT!! Fabulous hairdresser and all-around nice guy Joseph Saikaley of Byblos Salon is celebrating his big '4-0' birthday - and in lieu of gifts - he wants everyone to come out to Disco Inferno night and help raise money for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute! Joseph and his fiancee Caroline Gosselin of restaurant 18 are big supporters of the Heart Institute. There will be fabulous food, silent auction, 'gambling', and dancing to live entertainment by Disco Inferno! Tickets are just $55.00 per person, so get yours now! For information go to
www.restaurant18.com! Or stop by at Byblos Salon, 705 Bank Street in the Glebe!