pictured above: Hannah and Tommy Sachs, this year's official 'Swanskeepers'!
As a kid growing up just a five minute bike ride from the Rideau River, a big part of my summer was spent hanging out watching the Royal swans (and feeding them stale bread crusts, which in hindsight was probably not a good idea). So it was such a fantastic experience this morning, to witness my first time ever 'Release of the Royal Swans into the Rideau', where they will spend the summer. On hand were Michelle Sachs and her kids Hannah and Tommy, who were the official 'releasers' of the swans today. (Michelle was the top bidder for this experience back in March at the Humane Society Fur Ball) We were also joined by Humane Society executive director Bruce Roney, Councillor Diane Deans (who was instrumental in saving the Royal Swan program - huge kudos to Diane!!) The City of Ottawa's mistress to the swans Christine Hartig was on hand, as well as Brent and Ray to help out. The swans were released in pairs in three areas of the Rideau River. The final release featured a male and a female who were not a 'couple'....yet. They were 'neighbours' in their winter pen, and had yet to really meet face-to-face, or 'beak-to-beak'. So when they were released simulataneously from their crates this morning, it was an incredible moment to see them pose together so beautifully, forming a 'heart' with their graceful necks, and swimming off to find some Rideau River romance. Christine was especially thrilled, now considering herself the 'Swan Match-maker'. Could a reality show be far behind?

Better prepare to get wet

Swans awaiting their summer vacation on the river!

Official 'swanskeepers' Hannah and Tommy Sachs, and mom Michelle

Brent helps Michelle and Tommy release a pair of swans