(pictured above: Vik Sahay and Zach Levi of 'Chuck')
Chuck is one of the best shows on TV!!! Thank goodness its coming back for another season, which will start next March. Chuck is smart, funny, well written and well acted...I've been a huge fan since the debut episode, so it was quite a bonus to discover this little tid-bit of information only recently: Vik Sahay is from Ottawa! Yep! The hysterical Vik Sahay, who plays 'Lester' from the Buy More, was born and raised right here and attended Canterbury High School! So...if anyone knows Vik, went to school with Vik, or happens to know if he's hanging around Ottawa for any reason this summer, let me know. We'd love to have him as guest on BOB and I would promise not to gush too much......