It was a bittersweet day on Friday, when Max Keeping joined us in the studio to chat about his final 6 pm newscast on CTV Ottawa. He was as humble and gracious as ever, choosing to steer the conversation away from himself. Max only wanted to thank the people of the Ottawa region for 37 years of support in this community, and the promise that, in his new role as ambassador, he will continue to raise awareness for those less fortunate. Especially children in need. CHEO's 'Max Keeping' wing is a testament to the tireless efforts from a man who gave so much to children, to the elderly, to all of us.
Local singer Maureen Hogan from the band Good2Go recorded the song 'To Max With Love' with producer Chris Knowles. Take a moment to check it out, but might want to grab a kleenex first... thanks to Andy Smith for assembling this for Youtube.
We love you Max!!