The imaging technology, which has been developed over the last 15 years, used mathematical models to predict how the shape, color and texture of the face change in those who don't exercise regularly.
The researchers defined regular exercise as 30 minutes of moderate activity, five times a week.
The aim of the study was to show how an active lifestyle can improve appearance as well as health. The process took into account the average annual weight gain that occurs with aging – about 1 ¼ pounds (0.5 kilograms) for women and 1 ½ pounds (0.7 kg) for men. Images of the participants' faces were also created assuming the participants exercised regularly.
"The participants seeing these images were relatively shocked by them," researcher Ross Whitehead said, "and all resolved to improve their exercise regimen."
Ok.. now I don't know if its just me.....but can you tell the difference between what the person looks like now and what they will look like without exercise in 20 years? Hmmm........

This trio shows Lisa Thompson, from left to right, as she appears now, how she may appear in 10 years if she exercises and how she may appear in 10 years if she does not exercise. Credit: University of St. Andrews

This trio shows Richard McIntosh, as he appears now, how he may appear in five years if he exercises, and how he may appear in five years if he doesn't exercise. Credit: University of St. Andrews