New to 939 BOB FM's Stuntman and the Shark: 'THE SUPER HAPPY FUN SONG'!!!!
its the most fun way to have your frown turn upside down, AND get a $50 gift certificate for Gabriel Pizza, BIGGER, BETTER PIZZA!!
Starting on Monday Sept 20th, at 7:40 each morning, we will play the 'Super Happy Fun Song', dedicated to one of our listeners. We need to hear from you!!! Call us and give us your 'frivolous tale'....here are some samples:
- Did your 2 year old stick a gummy bear into the DVD player
- Did your dog eat your favourite shoes
- Did your husband not replace the toilet paper roll..again?
- Did your wife leave you with no gas in the car
- Did the dryer shrink your favourite sweater
- Did you forget that today was garbage day
Keep them frivolous, light-hearted, no serious stuff please! When you hear the cue to call, get on the phone (613-750-4262), and if we choose your tale, you will be enjoying some delicious Gabriel Pizza, on us!!
You can also email us with your story, mornings@939bobfm.com