Sunday, October 31, 2010

Exciting times for Project North!!!

(above) Michelle Valberg counts jerseys!

(above) Judy and I share a laugh...once the work was done!

This past Saturday a bunch of us had a lot of fun stuffing hockey bags with donated gear, which is being sent to Inuit kids in Nunavut on behalf of 'Project North'. ( Photographer and Project North creator Michelle Valberg has already delivered thousands of dollars worth of sports equipment to children in northern communities, and thanks to some major donors and sponsors, more is headed their way! Thanks to the NHLPA Dreams and Goals Fund, First Air, and so many giving people: and there is more to come!! Monday afternoon, there will be a very exciting announcement on behalf of Project North: can't wait to tell everyone about it!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top Ten Ways to Get More Candy at Hallowe'en

And now, I bring you, courtesy of Reader's Digest,

Kids Reveal The 10 Secrets Of Getting The Best Haul While Trick-Or-Treating

#1.) The "cuter" the costume, the more candy you'll get.

#2.) Pillowcases hold twice as much candy as plastic grocery bags, and three times as much as the classic orange pumpkin. And if you decorate your pillowcase, people won't think you're just trying to be greedy.

#3.) If there are little kids at a door ahead of you, move on. They'll take forever to choose their candy and just slow you down.

#4.) Strike early. The good candy always goes first. There's no reason to be the last people out trick-or-treating.

#5.) BUT . . . if you do see some houses that still have their lights on late, swing by. The person may want to unload everything and give you a handful instead of a single piece.

#6.) Lots of decorations in the yard are a sign of high-budget candy. The family there clearly cares about Halloween.

#7.) See if you can get your dad or a friend's dad to chaperone you. Moms focus too much on manners. Dads respect the quest to get as much candy as possible. They're also willing to stay out later than moms.

#8.) Plan your route, figure out your shortcuts, and . . . even though adults may tell you not to . . . run, don't walk.

#9.) The best candy is usually at the bottom of the bowl. When the person filled up their bowl, their instinct was to open the best candy first, so it's at the bottom.

#10.) Before you go out, tell your parents you just want to grab a few things from your OWN house's candy supply. As long as you don't overdo it, you can get a few pieces of the best stuff before the bowl gets picked over. (Reader's Digest)

Dogs need homes

Hi everyone, I am posting a letter that I received this week. The good news, is that two notorious puppy mills are closing. Now, these dogs need homes!
Here's the letter:

Hi Sandy,

I know you are an animal lover. I wonder if you could post the following on your blog in hopes that some people may donate to help.

Two of the worst puppy mills in Missouri are closing. Yeah! However, they are selling their roughly 800 dogs at auction. Some will be bought by other puppy mills but hopefully most will be purchased by people in rescue. However, these rescuers need money to make that happen.

A chip in fund has been set up. Here's the link. It also explains the costs involved and their progress. This is a HUGE undertaking.

If you would prefer to mail your donation you can send it to:


308 Frederick Lane

Raymore, MO 64083
hope you can help Sandy.

Thank you so much,


P.S. On your blog – October 17, 2010 - 12 year old Leah Cosman, Animal's Best Friend!, the second dog down, the little Pomeranian is my puppy mill survivor!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lost - Maltese type small white dog

If you have seen a small white dog (maltese type) lost since yesterday in the Woodroffe/Beatrice/Strandherd area of Barrhaven, please contact Chad, 613-867-4345!
the dog's name is Buddy! thank you

Well Looky Here, Guess Who's Back!

Congratulations Jim!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dog O Lanterns!

I guess we dog lovers stick together: this series of Hallowe'en hound photos has gone viral - thank you so much to everyone who sent it along! And now I'm doing my part to make sure no dog lover goes without! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

12 year old Leah Cosman, Animal's Best Friend!

Had a great time at the 'Aware Festival' yesterday, where several animal rescue groups got together under one roof (Rideau Carleton Raceway)! A day of entertainment by Dominic D'Arcy and his very talented rising stars, lots of dogs, and a walkathon around the track - it was a lot of fun! Congratulations to 12 year old Leah Cosman, who celebrated her birthday at the 'Aware Festival', along with her brother Evan, 12 friends, her sweet springer spaniel, and her parents- Leah insists each year that instead of birthday gifts, her friends and family donate to a chosen animal charity! A photo of Leah and the gang is included here, (last photo, oops, meant to put it first but I did things a bit backwards) naturally the birthday girl is up front with her dog. Way to go Leah!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Aware Festival!

I am happy to be emceeing a wonderful festival tomorrow along with Dominic D'arcy! Its called the 'Aware Festival', in celebration of World Animal Day!! It takes place from 9 to 4 at Rideau Carleton Raceway on Albion Road- and admission is free. There will be entertainment, food, booths and a walkathon will begin at 2 pm- a very unique walkathon, because you can bring your dog, horse, cat, rabbit, bird, lizard, goldfish, any animal!! Proceeds to the wonderful organizations listed below. (for more info

Adopt-A-Grey Hound Canada
Bullies in Need
Boston Terrier Rescue
Bytown Association for Rescued Kanines
Canadian Chihuahua Rescue & Transport
Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation
Cat Rescue Network
Collie Rescue Network
Ferret Rescue Society of Ontario
Greyhound Supporters (National Capital Region)
Hopeful Hearts
Kiko Dog Rescue and Adoptions
Manotick Community Feline Rescue

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Always Wanted to be a Veterinarian?

When I was a kid growing up, I always talked about becoming a veterinarian. That didn't quite work out! Probably because I fainted at the sight of needles. But here is your chance to discover the world of veterinary medicine, and help a great cause at the same time! Dr Michelle Lem is hosting a 'Mini Veterinary School', running for five consecutive Friday evenings at Algonquin College. You will learn about animal care, animal therapy and many other interesting topics, for a cost of just $100- with proceeds going to the Mission Veterinary Care program. This program has brought veterinary care to 1,100 animals of the homeless people at the Ottawa Mission, since 2003. It is operated by volunteer veterinary professionals and they need your support! For more info,

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Cigar Guy Goes Viral

OK so going viral all over the net, is the amazing photo of Tiger Woods at the Ryder Cup- with the ball just about to smash the photographer's lens. Pretty impressive, but that is not the reason this photo is going viral. (the photo I'm talking about, in case you didn't see it, is at the bottom of this post) Look to the far right, and you'll see a cigar chomping guy. Who is that guy? Don't know. But photo-bloggers all over the world are putting him in some interesting places. Below are some favourites, with cigar chomping guy on classic album covers.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Operation Blue Heron Storm

This past Friday morning, at 10am, a group of us gathered by a swamp somewhere in Limoges. 'Operation Blue Heron Storm' was underway. Goal: to catch a great blue heron with an injured wing, and bring it to the Wild Bird Care Centre. Big thanks to Marc Chubb and his crew, Scott and John, of Humane Wildlife Control for all their efforts. ( guys, they can help you animal-proof your home) There was only one thing missing. The heron. With his injury, he can't fly, but he sure can run. And into the woods he went! After a couple of hours of stalking, waiting, strategizing, we all called it a day. Operation Blue Heron Storm will be back. Oh yes, mark our words, it will be back. Hopefully the heron will be too.

Scott, Marc and John strategize the capture of the heron.

Be v-e-w-w-y quiet

They had the know-how, they had the humane netting, they had a great attitude, they had everything. Except the heron. Thanks guys!! We'll be back