Hi everyone, I am posting a letter that I received this week. The good news, is that two notorious puppy mills are closing. Now, these dogs need homes!
Here's the letter:
Hi Sandy,
I know you are an animal lover. I wonder if you could post the following on your blog in hopes that some people may donate to help.
Two of the worst puppy mills in Missouri are closing. Yeah! However, they are selling their roughly 800 dogs at auction. Some will be bought by other puppy mills but hopefully most will be purchased by people in rescue. However, these rescuers need money to make that happen.
A chip in fund has been set up. Here's the link. It also explains the costs involved and their progress. This is a HUGE undertaking.
If you would prefer to mail your donation you can send it to:
308 Frederick Lane
Raymore, MO 64083
hope you can help Sandy.
Thank you so much,
P.S. On your blog – October 17, 2010 - 12 year old Leah Cosman, Animal's Best Friend!, the second dog down, the little Pomeranian is my puppy mill survivor!