This past Friday morning, at 10am, a group of us gathered by a swamp somewhere in Limoges. 'Operation Blue Heron Storm' was underway. Goal: to catch a great blue heron with an injured wing, and bring it to the Wild Bird Care Centre. Big thanks to Marc Chubb and his crew, Scott and John, of Humane Wildlife Control for all their efforts. ( guys, they can help you animal-proof your home) There was only one thing missing. The heron. With his injury, he can't fly, but he sure can run. And into the woods he went! After a couple of hours of stalking, waiting, strategizing, we all called it a day. Operation Blue Heron Storm will be back. Oh yes, mark our words, it will be back. Hopefully the heron will be too.

Scott, Marc and John strategize the capture of the heron.

Be v-e-w-w-y quiet

They had the know-how, they had the humane netting, they had a great attitude, they had everything. Except the heron. Thanks guys!! We'll be back