(above) Humane Society Executive Director Bruce Roney beaming with pride!
The early reviews for the brand new Ottawa Humane Society on West Hunt Club Road are in: it is absolutely breath-taking! Congratulations to executive director Bruce Roney, building campaign manager Anna Silverman, the incredibly dedicated Humane Society staff and the COUNTLESS animal lovers who pledged the funds necessary to achieve the long-awaited dream. If you visited the old Humane Society on Champagne Avenue with its cramped, dark conditions- and walked away feeling that Ottawa's animals and the staff that cared for them deserved so much more- you will be SO thrilled with the new digs!! Designed by award winning architect Barry Hobin, the new animal shelter is bright, spacious, cheery, and optimistic! Bruce Roney visited other state-of-the-art animal shelters throughout North America and compiled the best ideas from each of them, a little of this, a little of that, and the result is a building to be extremely proud of! The animals are moving in on June 22nd and once everyone is home, please do visit the new Humane Society. You will be so glad you did!!! And don't forget your FIRST opportunity to enjoy the shelter is this Thursday night, with a special fundraiser called 'In the Doghouse'! Ticket information at www.939bobfm.com! There are so many things to celebrate with the new Ottawa Humane Society!! A new era for Ottawa's animals has arrived!!!

(above) the new 'Rabbitat'! Bunnies in a cheery place!

(above) Building campaign manager Anna Silverman shows off state-of-the-art kennels

(above) Jerry and Dorothea from Hogs Back Beer brought their sweet dogs!!

(above) the indoor/outdoor cat enclosure is a fantastic first impression!

(above) labs love it too

(above) Bruce gives the outdoor tour, lots of green space!

(above) eco-friendly, energy saving construction

(above) me and my buddy Bruce!

(above) Bruce Roney.... job well done sir!!!!!