If you’re a Tom Cochrane fan, its great news that he’ll be playing the ‘snowbowl’ to kick off Winterlude on the Rideau Canal (the stretch of canal that’s right in front of the NAC) on Friday, February 3rd. Last year, the Rheostatics had the same honour and put on a great show, although they may have wondered if the crowd did like them. Its just that you can’t hear applause when people’s hands are covered by mittens.
Speaking of the canal, maybe you’ve noticed that the NCC has made it official: there are now giant signs on the canal touting the fact that we are in the Guinness Book of World Records, yes we are, THE longest skating rink in the entire world!!! Just in case there was any doubt. Every few years the argument returns, and a frozen Dutch surface tries to claim the honour, but we are sticking to our story. Although this winter has been so mild, we may have another world record: the most people standing and staring and wishing they could skate on the world’s longest skating rink.
The debate continues: should the city of Ottawa snow plow drivers not only clear our streets, but also take out the ‘hump’ at the end of our driveways? Apparently, the ‘taking out of the hump’ will cost taxpayers another million dollars. In the meantime, most people handle the driveway hump one of two ways: with a snowblower, or, putting pedal to the medal and flooring the family mini van. A crowd often gathers when this Indy 500 manouevre results in the belly of the mini van straddling the hump, while all 4 wheels spin in the air. I’ll bet this has never happened to the Canadian Tire guy.
The 939 BOB FM ‘pet friendly’ coffee mugs are here! Let us know when you’re going to be gathering at a dog park with your 4 legged and 2 legged friends, and our ‘pet friendly’ van will swing by to deliver these super cool traveler coffee mugs! Send us the info by clicking onto the ‘pet friendly’ section of our website. The BOB FM pet friendly coffee mug is quickly becoming the ‘must have’ item for hip dog owners. OK. Maybe I should stop watching ‘Fashion TV’.
Just heard a startling statistic: pizza sales are down by 10 percent across Canada. The culprit? The calories and the carbs. A piece of pizza can have 500 calories and 30 g of carbs. No wonder its so delicious. Now, pizza makers are designing pizza pies with healthy whole wheat crusts and toppings like spinach and tofu and artichokes. Yuk. I’m sure the guys are gonna order a couple of those while they’re watching the Superbowl.