The city is a-buzz. Since receiving word that the International Pressure Washer Games will be held right in here in Ottawa, there has been a lot of activity in laneways, driveways, pathways, on decks and on patios. Pressure washers are being poked, prepped and even pimped in honour of the big day: the Pressure Washer Trials, on Saturday June 17th at the Canadian Tire parking lot in Bells Corners. The motto for the Games: Outwet. Outblast. Outspray. This is your chance to show off your prowess with the pressure washer. Enter on this website. You could win a $750 Canadian Tire gift card, a new pressure washer, and of course, the opportunity to represent the nation’s capital when the world comes to play. Catch phrase of the games: ‘how much PSI you got’?
Keep those pet photos coming! If you click on our pet friendly site on this website, you’ll see photo after photo of beloved pets sent in by listeners. Dogs, cats, there’s a couple of parrots, my frog Tony, and Stewie the hedgehog. I was chatting with Kevin, the owner of Stewie the hedgehog, and I learned that hedgehogs are nocturnal and really like to play all night long. They can go for miles and miles and miles on one hamster wheel in one night. It may be tempting to pet a hedgehog, but its not a good idea. Their backs are covered in sharp pricks. Sheesh. A hedgehog would never know the pleasure of a good massage.
I’ve been walking around these days trying to hide my finger-nails as much as possible. Not only am I a nail biter, I’m also a gardener who refuses to wear gardening gloves. In the shower I do everything I can with a bar of soap, yet my finger tips still look like I just had a mud bath. I once went for a manicure, it was the only time I ever considered a manicure, and the manicurist told me that I didn’t have enough to work with. She wondered if I would like some press-on plastic nails. Not a bad idea. I wonder if they have nails that I can affix with velcro so I can take them off before I stick my hands in the dirt to yank out weeds. They should have those.
We had some fun with our ‘Morning After Spelling Bee’ . Now that spelling bees have hit prime time tv, we thought we’d jump on that band-wagon. We tried to give away fabulous prizes (velour beach towels) for correctly spelling three words, but it was much harder than we anntisipated.
Its asparagus season!! Yay! I love asparagus. I love buying it from our local farmers here in the byward market. But speaking of asparagus, the weirdest thing happened. Right smack dab in the middle of one of my flower beds, are two spears of asparagus growing out of the ground. Using deductive reasoning, I figure that the raccoon that feasted on my garbage last year dragged some leftover asparagus into my flower garden, but couldn’t finish it because he was also dining on chicken bones at the time, so the asparagus went into the ground and sprang up one year later! Thanks to the raccoon, I have fresh local asparagus for dinner tonight.
Ain’t life grand?!