Wednesday, December 17, 2008

(pictured) Andy Parent and Nira. Nira was blinded when a member of his owner's family stabbed his eyes with pencils. This gentle horse is 31 years old, and now enjoys his peaceful life at the Big Sky Animal Sanctuary.

You could put all of the philosophers of the world together in one place and not one of them would be able to answer this question: why would a man like Andy Parent be stricken with an incurable form of leukemia? Andy is the owner of the Big Sky Animal Sanctuary in Kemptville. I first met this big burly man in the spring of 2006. He had called to ask my help promoting an event that he was planning for the summer, at his Big Sky Ranch. I had never heard of the Big Sky Ranch, but I was curious. As Andy explained, he had basically turned his own farm into a sanctuary for animals that no one wanted anymore. The mis-fits. The aged, the weak, the animals that were victims of abuse. Andy called them all 'God's creatures', and he felt they all deserved a second chance. One after one, they began to arrive. Horses, dogs, cats, pigs, llamas...not one animal was ever turned away. All were given names, loving care, and dignity to live out their lives. After chatting with Andy on the phone, one Sunday afternoon my husband and I, and my young neice Kelly drove out to see what the Big Sky Ranch was all about. It was picture perfect. Once-abused dogs, with every reason to be angry, but instead loving and happy. Horses that were once starved, now healthy and content. Pigs, goats, sheep, each had arrived with a story...but each sad story became just a memory under the watchful eye of the man with the big heart, Andy Parent.
BOB FM was glad to help out the ranch for the first ever 'Animalfest' in 2006, and to continue the support to this day. Steve Gregory and I have since become good friends with Andy. We both feel priviledged to know the man. The man who has given his entire life to helping others, visiting schools and seniors centres to spread the joy that is : the unmistakable bond between humans and animals and the respect that we all deserve.
A few weeks ago, Andy Parent was diagnosed with incurable leukemia. For his wife Cathy, and sons Andrew and Curtis (who is autistic), there is no sadder news. And for the rest of us who love Andy, we will do what we can to cheer him on and be there for him, to offer our support and try to step in and help out with Big Sky Animal Sanctuary, a dream come true for the man with the world's biggest heart.
Steve Gregory produced a video for Big Sky, please check it out:
If you can offer a donation, please do.
And if you have any ideas, offers of support, fundraising possibilities, anything at all, please email me at
thank you.
We love you, Andy!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Caught on Hidden Camera

I caught these thieves stealing my bird seed today. A third one drove the get-away car. If anyone has any information about these robbers, please let me know. No questions asked.

Just add Water

This Christmas tree belongs to our producer Hammer and his wife Danielle and kids Carter and Mackenzie. Hammer is beaming with pride because he says its the best tree ever, perfect in every way. One of the reasons it is so healthy and green, is because Hammer gives it water. JR hasn't given his tree water yet, but what's the rush?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fleetwood Mac in Ottawa!

Fleetwood Mac is FINALLY coming to Ottawa!! March 23rd at Scotiabank Place!! This is one of those HUGE concert announcements (I think!) I'm predicting a very fast sell-out for two reasons...# 1..Fleetwood Mac has NEVER played this city, and # 2... Who didn't own Fleetwood Mac's quintessential album 'Rumours'? In 1977 when Fleetwood Mac released 'Rumours', it was such a huge album that it became a bit of a soundtrack for the lives of all my friends and class-mates....hanging out at friends' places, 'Rumours' was always on the turntable. I must've spun that album on my own bedroom stereo a thousand times. Its one of those rare albums that is 100 percent gems. In my humble opinion, there is not one 'dud' song. 'Rumours' has sold over 30 million copies and on Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time, 'Rumours' takes the #25 position. I think it should be higher, but thats just my opinion.
So now we all get a chance to see those songs performed LIVE!!!!! I can't wait. When the drums kick in at the beginning of 'Go Your Own Way', I may just implode with excitement.

A few listeners have sent me this link to a very funny clip on Youtube. A woman has taken everything that a 'Mom' would tell her kids in a 24-hour period, and condensed it into just under 3 minutes, to the tune of the 'William Tell Overture'. You gotta check it out! Especially if you're a Mom!

I just received an urgent request from Sharon McKeil, who operates the Bytowne Association of Rescued Kanines...aka 'BARK'. A puppy mill has been busted outside Montreal, and the Montreal SPCA has asked BARK to help them find homes for several small dogs. These dogs are between 8 and 10 pounds and in desperate need of a home. If you can foster one of these rescued dogs, or provide a permanent home, please contact Sharon at

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let it Snow Let it Snow, I'm a Dog, Let it Snow!

Love this photo!

Bill Baitinger sent this picture along of his springer spaniel Teddy, who clearly knows how to make the most of the 32 cm of snow we got this wee!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

B-r-r-r-reaking News!

Just received confirmation from 'Speedo Steve', that the Ottawa Polar Bear Dip returns this New Year's Day!

And, none other than BOB FM's own John Rodenburg has 100 PERCENT agreed to be one of the 'dippers'!
Better wear a good hat, JR. The water's going to be cold!!! ha ha ha

Everyone is invited to join the Polar Bear Dippers and help raise money for President's Choice Childrens Charities.
Pledge sheets, etc available now. Check the news release here for more information:

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Ottawa Polar Bear Dip

December 4, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario: Imagine changing a life in a matter of minutes. On January 1, 2009 a group of intrepid swimmers will brave the cold waters of Britannia Beach in Ottawa and raise funds for the President’s Choice Children’s Charity.

“It is an amazing thing to be able to help a child and their family who really need and really deserve it. We are so proud to be able to help and to be a part of a wonderful organization like the President’s Choice Children’s Charity, which helps kids right in our communities” states Steve Stewart, organizer of the dip.

President’s Choice Children’s Charity is dedicated to making difficult lives a little easier by helping children who are physically or developmentally challenged. Their focus is to remove some of the obstacles that make everyday living extremely difficult and to provide these young people with a renewed sense of dignity, independence and freedom by providing funding for adaptive equipment, environmental modifications, therapy and more. The charity ensures that 100% of every dollar donated goes directly to helping children. It has awarded over $30,000,000 helping over 5,500 families across Canada.

Anyone interested in participating, by donating funds, volunteering their time on the 1st or plunging into “the Bay” should contact Steve Stewart at

For More Information
Contact Peggy Hornell
President’s Choice Children’s Charity
(905) 459-2500 x3626

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tale of Two Neils

Neil Diamond

not to be confused with Neil Young

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World
Neil Diamond, Scotiabank Place, Sunday night. Neil Young, Scotiabank Place, Tuesday night. I went to both shows, and there were remarkably few similiarities between these 2 concerts. lol.
One thing I know for sure, my husband was not embarrassed to be at the Neil Young show, but I can't say the same about the Neil Diamond show. Especially after I threw a pair of underwear on the stage , which landed right at Neil Diamond's feet. I thought this would un-leash the throngs of thongs that women were no doubt going to start tossing at Neil Diamond...but, to my horror, no one else threw a single under-garment. It has since been pointed out to me that you don't throw underwear at Neil Diamond. You throw underwear at Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdinck. Ooops. The entire cringe-worthy moment was captured on the Jumbo-tron, along with my husband's red face.
Two nights later, Neil Young rocked the 'Bank' like only Neil can. It was a great show!! And no one tossed any underwear.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun at the Fairmont

A great time was had by all last night at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, with 'Trees of Hope' for Cheo! 28 Christmas trees were decorated by Ottawa businesses and organizations, including 2 from CHEO families, and they will remain at the Chateau Laurier until January 3rd. You can vote for your favourite tree with a donation to CHEO!
The BOB FM crew had a great time with our first-ever entry into the 'Trees of Hope'. Our Mike Fisher-themed tree didn't win any decorating prizes, but it seemed to be a hit , especially with the ladies.......
Its quite a sight seeing women line up to have their photo taken with a 'cardboard cut-out' of Mike Fisher.....imagine if the man himself was there.......
thanks again to Mike Fisher for allowing us to use his image (thus kicking off another roaring season with the 'Mike Fisher Fan Club')..thanks to Deneen Perrin of the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, and to Sherry Thurig for the wonderful Mike Fisher tree topper!
Here are some pic's from the night....

(above) The Ottawa Citizen's Caroline Phillips, hubby Steve and kids enjoy the 'Trees of Hope'!

JR struggles to read the small print. An extra set of lights is brought over to help him see what he is reading.

(right) winners of 'Best Team Spirit'
General Dynamics!
(above) Isla MacIntosh shows off her CHEO tree!

Sherry Thurig and Daniel

(right) Michelle, Leanne, Lydia and yours truly cozy up to Mike Fisher (cut-out)

(right) Our sign. Clever, huh

(above) close-up of the Mike Fisher tree

(left) JR, Sandy, and Sherry with our 'We Fish you A Merry Christmas' Tree!

Monday, November 24, 2008

We 'Fish' you a Merry Christmas!

Bob Dylan was back at Scotiabank Place last Sunday night. The notoriously shy (at least I 'think' its shyness!) singer refused to let anyone take his photo, including all media. I didn't know that before-hand. After snapping this picture, I had a flashlight pointed right into my eyeballs. Whew. At least they let me stay and watch the show.
And now on to things a little less dangerous:

Bob FM is a proud sponsor of 'Trees for Hope' for CHEO, at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel. 28 teams are heading out to the Chateau lobby later today , to decorate a Christmas tree and really kick off the Christmas season! Everyone is invited to come out anytime between 6 and 9 tonight, see the trees, make a donation to CHEO and enjoy some Christmas cheer. There will be incredible silent auction items too, with all proceeds to CHEO. (p.s. if you can't make it tonight, the trees will be on display at the Chateau Laurier until after New Years)

Look for the very first BOB FM tree, certain to impress with a 'Mike Fisher' theme~

p.s. thank you to everyone who sent along their Mike Fisher photos, which are being glued to Christmas ornaments as we speak. One of our wonderful listeners, Sherry Thurig, has offered to make the 'tree topper' , which will involve paper mache', lots of glue, and I believe that Mike Fisher will also be rotating on the top of the tree. It will definitely be a sight to behold!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The dogs pictured above have quite a story. These are some of the 'Vicktory Dogs' which were seized at the home of disgraced NFL quarterback Michael Vick. Vick was convicted of running a dog fighting ring and is now serving 2 years in prison. The 22 rescued dogs are being rehabilitated at the 'Best Friends Animal Sanctuary' in Salt Lake City .... and are quickly on their way to being the toast of the town! California's 'Carivinatas Winery' is now selling special wines, each wine represented by a label depicting one of the rescued Vicktory Dogs. Proceeds go to the dogs' care and rehabilitation. So...if there's a wine lover on your Christmas list...why not head over to this website

Thursday, October 30, 2008




This Saturday night, come out to the Ottawa Civic Centre for A FREE CONCERT!!!
Its being billed as a night to 'Rock For Public Services' , sponsored by CUPE 503, your municipal workers, and CUPE 4000, your Ottawa Hospital workers and Canadian Union of Public Employees. Doors open at 6 pm for this fantastic FREE concert line-up: comedy/musical act Bowser and Blue (they are hysterical!), Ottawa's own Cooper Brothers, followed by Canadian rockers Trooper!!!! Hope to see you there! Donations gratefully accepted for the Ottawa Humane Society! For more details,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Liz Manley - Still a Ball of Fire!

Homesense Skate Canada is on at Scotiabank Place, this Thursday to Sunday! Tickets at
Olympic silver medalist Liz Manley stopped by 'the Morning After' to chat about it. Who could forget Liz's dynamic performance at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary....clinching silver and making us all wish we had a white Stetson cowboy hat! If you want to see world-class skating and a glimpse of competitors sure to compete at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, nab your tickets to Homesense Skate Canada now! Liz Manley is quite a ball of fire....just a matter of time before she's on one of those reality shows. Whatever happened to 'Skating with Celebrities'?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The 2008/2009 Official Battle of the Thermostats Has Arrived!

Thank you to one of our listeners, Susan Coles, for sending the above photo.

Last night the temperature dropped to below zero. Which officially kicked off the season I like to call 'battle of the thermostat'. This is a battle that takes place in almost every household when three things merge together: a man, a woman, and cold weather. My husband likes to keep the thermostat at about 18 degrees. Thats quite comfortable for him. At 18 degrees, I am wearing six sweaters and three pairs of socks. And so, the battle begins.

Rob installed one of those 'smart' thermostats a few winters ago. He thought this would solve all of our problems. While we are both out of the house, the thermostat is set for 18 degrees. He then programs the thing to raise the temperature of the house just before I get home from work. Problem is, I get home at all different times of the day. On a day when the thermostat expects me home at 1:30, I may surprise it and arrive at 11. The thermostat doesn't care that I'm home. Its not giving me heat for another 2 1/2 hours. Sure, the obvious answer is to simply press the right buttons and over-ride the thermostat to have it kick in whenever I want. But it never works when I do that. My thermostat only takes orders from my husband.

This topic was brought up on 'The Morning After' and it definitely touched a nerve.

Many women called to offer sympathies and advice, as they too are now officially into the 2008/2009 'battle of the thermostat' season.

Here were some comments offered this morning:

- to have the heat kick in and turn up a notch, simply place a bag of frozen peas (or any other frozen vegetable) directly on top of the baseboard heater

- purchase a 'thermostat' cage, lock it, and hide the key. This gives you 100 percent power over the thermostat. Could be a scary option though. What if your husband thinks of this first?

- check to see if the main thermostat in your living room is fake. It may be a placebo. You can turn it up to 28 degrees, and it will indicate as such, but it is actually a device that looks like the real thing but in fact is not hooked up to anything at all. Lift it carefully. If its just hanging by a small nail , there are no wires or batteries, you've got yourself a placebo thermostat. Your husband may have a few of these scattered throughout the house. It is up to you to find the main control centre which houses the real thermostat.

- further to the above note, many husbands will gladly offer to turn up the heat if you're cold. They will saunter across the floor and be sure that you see them turning up the thermostat. Again, this may be a sign that the thermostat is fake.

- Maybe you DON'T have a fake thermostat. You have now confirmed that it is REAL. Watch out for this: your husband gladly offers to turn up the thermostat, walks over to it, turns his back and 'pretends' to do the deed. He goes through the motions, taking care not to actually touch the device. This is fairly common.

- when all else fails, start wearing giant sweaters, socks, mittens and a big hoser hat to bed.

If that doesn't work, at least you'll be warm!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Purina Walk for Dog Guides!

The Purina Walk for Dog Guides takes place this Sunday Oct 19th in Cumberland! This event will raise much-needed funds for 'Canine Vision', 'Hearing Ear Dogs of Canada', 'Special Skills', and 'Seizure Response Dogs'. I spent some time chatting with Orleans' resident David Miles, who suffers from epileptic seizures. His seizure response dog, Jersey (gorgeous black lab) has turned David's life around and allowed him to live without fear. It cost approximately $25,000 to train Jersey and other special dogs like him, and the need is great. Please consider participating in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides this Sunday. For details,

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Time to Put Out the Horn 'O Plenty!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Time to break out the 'horn o' plenty', pictured above! If you're like me, and you've spent quite a bit of time wondering the origin behind the 'horn o' plenty', here it is.... courtesy of surfing the internet! The term 'horn of plenty' is an English translation of the Latin word 'cornucopia', from 'cornus' which is 'horn', and 'copia', which means 'much' or 'plenty' (as in 'copious'). The cornucopia dates back to 5th century BC, and it was usually depicted as a goat's horn filled to overflowing with fruits and grain or whatever the owner wished. It is a time-honoured symbol of abundance, long associated with Thanksgiving. I'm not sure how interesting this tid-bit of knowledge is, but there you go!
p.s. 'horn 'o plenty' is not to be confused with 'Horno Plenty', the adult film star. He appeared on my internet search too, but I'm pretty sure he has nothing to do with Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, many people are of course headed out on the highway to visit friends and family this long weekend. Here's an idea: why not cook Thanksgiving dinner....while you drive? Its called 'carbeque'! Just wrap some food in foil, place it on the hottest spot of your engine, secure it with wire and head out on the highway! All the tips e at

Imagine arriving at Auntie May's house for Thanksgiving, WITH a piping hot pork tenderloin dish, or some nice carbeque baked chicken, fresh off the car engine. The web page information does include one very important warning: before retrieving your foil-wrapped dinner , be sure the engine has been turned off. Bon appetit!

We are headed into the 'social season'. As the weather gets colder we are more likely to get together for dinner parties, game nights, cocktail parties. Do you consider yourself a good conversationalist? Are you good at 'small talk'? Or does the thought of 'kibbitzing' or 'mingling' at a party make you break out in a cold sweat? I'm a horrible mingler. Not great at small talk either. So, I was happy to find this:

It's a step by step tutorial on how to talk to people in a social setting. Includes a 1 minute video demonstration too. But there's something wrong with the end of the video, it just sort of trails off. I think the camera person became bored. Probably thinks of himself as Mr Personality.

And finally, do you have trouble remembering people's names? You've just been introduced to someone, and within seconds you have completely erased any memory of their name? Here's a link to some valuable tips that will make you help remember people's names. Just in time for the family gathering this weekend!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Passchendaele: Opens Oct 17th

Actor Paul Gross and co-star Caroline Dhavernas stopped by the BOB FM studio this morning to chat about the movie 'Passchendaele'. Opening across Canada on Oct 17th, 'Passchendaele' was written, produced, and directed by Paul Gross. The film has received excellent reviews (it premiered on opening night of the Toronto Film Festival), and is essentially a love story which culminates in a stunning battle scene; Canadian troops' historic victory in World War I's Battle for Passchendaele'. For more, check out the official website:

For Women: Safe for Work!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Take the 'ho-hum' out of your life - Adopt a Cat!!!

Add some companionship and fun into your life! One of the best ways I can think of.....would be to adopt a cat! Pictured below, are kittens Jellybean and Wally, and their Mom, 'Black Betty'!
Betty was found wandering the streets of Kemptville and gave birth in her foster home. She is now ready for adoption, along with her 2 babies. They are sweet, playful, and looking forward to a new home! Contact Wendy at 613-224-2562, or contact, a wonderful cat rescue organization that is currently offering a 2 for 1 special on kittens.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Corteo Amazes!

World famous 'Cirque Du Soleil' has come back to amaze Ottawa once again. 'Corteo' is playing now through late October 'under the Grand Chapiteau' at St Laurent Centre, (in the parking lot just west of the Centre on Coventry Road). I had the chance to attend a full show sneak preview last night, and it was absolutely incredible. The ultimate combination of art and athletics, 'Corteo' is stunning. Here are some photos from the show, which really don't do it justice. Take the whole family - they'll love it!