I'm off for a girls' weekend in Kingston, so naturally I did what most wives would do. I left my husband a list of things I hope he will do over the weekend. Nothing huge, there are only 3 things on the list: clear away the dead brush beside the cottage, paint my outdoor accessory box, and build a bench. I think this 'honey-do' list is fairly reasonable. But when I mentioned it to JR, 'wow'... what a reaction! He's not a fan of the 'honey-do' list, thats obvious. As a matter of fact, he thinks that when MEN go away for the weekend, THEY should present their wives with a 'honey-do' list! This was quite a popular topic on the 'Morning After' show, with JR trying (struggling) to convince men to 'turn the tables', and leave their wives a list of chores they expect to be taken care of before they return from a 'going away with the boys' trip. After 2 days of phone calls to the radio show, not ONE man thought this was something they could get away with. My favourite call was from the guy who began, 'JR, I totally agree! If I went away for the weekend with the guys, I would ABSOLUTELY make a chore list for my wife! I love the idea! Unfortunately, my wife won't let me go away for the weekend'! I'm still chuckling over that one.
Its a HUGE weekend for women, with 'Sex and the City' finally in the theatres! A lot of my girlfriends are dressing up, getting together for 'cosmopolitans', then heading off to see the ultimate chick flick. This movie has certainly done wonders to promote 'Manolo Blahnik' shoes. I'd never seen a pair of 'Manolo Blahnik' shoes until I was out with some friends one night a couple of years ago. One friend had done well in the 'stock market', and bought herself a pair of high-heeled 'Manolos', of course I pressed and pressed to find out how much $$$ they cost. They were $850.00. At the time, I was wearing my trusty black shoes from Payless, for which I shelled out $29.99. Anyway, we headed to the summer patio of a local establishment, and found ourselves walking across a cedar deck with 2 inch spaces between the deck boards. Both heels of my friend's $850 Manolo Blahnik shoes got caught in the decking and snapped right off. And here I am, two years later, still wearing my $29.99 Payless shoes. What's the moral of this story? I'm not sure.
Every once in a while, a real story of inspiration comes your way, and this is definitely one of those. Ottawa resident Dan Hopkins is leaving town this Sunday, on an incredible expedition...all the way to the top of 'Denali' in Alaska, North America's tallest and most dangerous mountain.
Dan's great uncle, Hudson Stuck, was the first to summit Denali in 1913 and Dan is honoring this challenge with a similar trek. He's also raising money to support food programs for native children in the North. We wish him a safe journey and congratulate him for taking on such a noble feat. Better still, we can all help Dan by stopping by the Royal Oak on Wellington Street any time tomorrow (beginning at 11 am), where there will be live entertainment, prizes, etc, all to raise funds for Dan's expedition. Of course, Dan will be there, so give him a pat on the back. I wonder if he's like a typical guy and he still hasn't packed yet.
You can follow the story and Dan's progress at www.climbforlife.com
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I Ran, I Run, I Will Run, How about that Beer Mile?!

Ottawa Race Weekend is coming up!! Thousands and thousands of runners from all over the world are now arriving in the nation's capital to 'pound the pavement'. The 5K, 10K, half-marathon and of course, the big 'kahuna', the National Capital Marathon will be on the agenda for running enthusiasts of all levels....from those who wish to 'just finish the *#%$$!! race'...to serious competitors vying for world-class titles.
Local entrepeneur, writer/journalist, broadcaster on our sister station 580 CFRA and now 'The Team 1200' and quite possibly the only 'over-achiever' I know, Mark Sutcliffe, has just started up a fantastic magazine, called 'iRun'. It is 100 percent dedicated to the 'iRunNation'. A must-read for everyone who laces up and goes 'out the door' ..a few times a week, every day, in sweats, or wearing top-of-the-line attire, it matters not what level you are, if you run, you will love this magazine. I especially enjoyed the article about the 'greatest runner who has ever lived: Terry Fox. And......I must mention......the Beer Mile people.
Beer Mile people compete on a standard 400 metre track. 4 laps equals one mile. Yes, it is a running race. In the Beer Mile, you drink a can of beer before each lap. Four beers, four laps. According to the official website, www.beermile.com, Seanna Robinson of Hamilton Ontario holds the women's record in the Beer Mile, with a time of 6:42.
That is a record that is just waiting to be broken.
I may have to challenge the time of 6:42.
I need a pair of running shoes and 4 cans of beer.
And a timer.
And a responsible ride home.
Stay tuned.
p.s. check out the website for 'iRun' magazine, here's the link
p.s. check out the website for 'iRun' magazine, here's the link
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Pulled Pork Day!
Yeeeoowww!! The black flies are here! And the mosquitoes! Ouch! Outside of being covered from head to toe .... I have no idea how to avoid the big chunks of flesh that the bugs are ripping from my neck and my feet. One of our listeners suggested the 'therapik.
Its a battery-operated thingy that heats up and you put it on your skin to relieve bug bites. But I can't help but think that with the 'Therapik', you are replacing the sting of bug bites with the pain of burning flesh. Or maybe its just me. They say bugs are attracted to dark clothing. So I went gardening today dressed in pastel pink. Apparently they are also attracted to pastel pink. Maybe tomorrow I will try a nice lime sherbet outfit.
Its the first long weekend of summer! Not officially summer yet, but the May long weekend is definitely the kick-off to an entire season of bbq's, garage sales, camping, cottages, outdoor concerts, and wearing shorts to work. Does your workplace allow you to wear shorts? If not, you should get a petition started. I think everyone should be allowed to wear shorts to work. If you have a desk job, you should still be ok to get away with a nice blazer on the top, and shorts on the bottom.
Have you ever had a 'pulled pork' sandwich? We were introduced to this 'southern' specialty recently. Friends made it for us, pulled pork on a bun, and we immediately needed the recipe. Turns out, we also needed to buy a 'slow cooker'. Today was the day that we slow cooked a hunk of pork . Three ingredients were tossed into the slow cooker at 7 am this morning: a hunk of pork, some diced onions, and 2 bottles of barbeque sauce. I usually have a nap in the afternoon (crazy morning show hours make it hard to stay up til ...oh, 8 pm without a nap), but today, on 'pulled pork day', I couldn't sleep in the afternoon because of the smell of the slow cooker. I just lay there thinking about having pulled pork. The odour was so strong, I went for a walk and I could smell it from up the street. By the time it came to finally eat our sandwiches, I had sensory over-load and I was walking, talking, and dreaming pulled pork. We ate, and it was pretty good, but no where near the level of euphoria I had dreamt about. A lesson to be learned here....aromas from a slow cooker can consume your day. Try to stay out of the house, keep busy, resist the urge to repeatedly lift the glass cover, do not watch the clock. Today I devoted my entire day to a pulled pork sandwich. Do not let this happen to you!
Its a battery-operated thingy that heats up and you put it on your skin to relieve bug bites. But I can't help but think that with the 'Therapik', you are replacing the sting of bug bites with the pain of burning flesh. Or maybe its just me. They say bugs are attracted to dark clothing. So I went gardening today dressed in pastel pink. Apparently they are also attracted to pastel pink. Maybe tomorrow I will try a nice lime sherbet outfit.
Its the first long weekend of summer! Not officially summer yet, but the May long weekend is definitely the kick-off to an entire season of bbq's, garage sales, camping, cottages, outdoor concerts, and wearing shorts to work. Does your workplace allow you to wear shorts? If not, you should get a petition started. I think everyone should be allowed to wear shorts to work. If you have a desk job, you should still be ok to get away with a nice blazer on the top, and shorts on the bottom.
Have you ever had a 'pulled pork' sandwich? We were introduced to this 'southern' specialty recently. Friends made it for us, pulled pork on a bun, and we immediately needed the recipe. Turns out, we also needed to buy a 'slow cooker'. Today was the day that we slow cooked a hunk of pork . Three ingredients were tossed into the slow cooker at 7 am this morning: a hunk of pork, some diced onions, and 2 bottles of barbeque sauce. I usually have a nap in the afternoon (crazy morning show hours make it hard to stay up til ...oh, 8 pm without a nap), but today, on 'pulled pork day', I couldn't sleep in the afternoon because of the smell of the slow cooker. I just lay there thinking about having pulled pork. The odour was so strong, I went for a walk and I could smell it from up the street. By the time it came to finally eat our sandwiches, I had sensory over-load and I was walking, talking, and dreaming pulled pork. We ate, and it was pretty good, but no where near the level of euphoria I had dreamt about. A lesson to be learned here....aromas from a slow cooker can consume your day. Try to stay out of the house, keep busy, resist the urge to repeatedly lift the glass cover, do not watch the clock. Today I devoted my entire day to a pulled pork sandwich. Do not let this happen to you!
'FORE' the Animals is back!

that's about the only golf term I know. But that doesn't stop me from being at the Ottawa Humane Society 'Fore the Animals' Golf Tournament, coming up June 11th at the Mississippi Golf Club in beautiful Appleton. Sure, there are LOTS of golf tourneys that come along every summer...so why is this 'different'? It just 'IS'! The people are always super fun, the day is fun, and the door prizes and auction items are fun too. What other golf tournament gives 'alpaca poo' away for a door prize? (its great for the garden) Or ...auctions off a 'last will and testament'? C'mon...you know you need one! Quirky prizes, lotsa laughs, trust me, its a great time. And its all to support animals! So get your friends and work-mates together and sign up today. Details at
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Governor General Performing Arts Awards
(above) Martin Short. At least I got a photo with 'most' of his face. Martin Short was hysterical last night, honoring his dear friend Eugene Levy. Both from Hamilton, they became friends in University and decided to try theatre and comedy. Today, they are two of the funniest men in show biz. At the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards Gala, Martin Short had us in tears as he relayed stories from the 'early days' of SCTV with Eugene Levy, and how their friendship is as strong as ever today.
Also being honoured at the GG's Awards Gala...Michel Pagliaro, French Canadian rocker who had some huge hits in the 70's (Rain Showers, 'What the Hell I Got') and is still a very successful musician and producer. It was a real 'blast from the past' when Michel Pagliaro and his band played last night. Loved the video of our Governor General placing the medal around his neck, with his big mane of long grey hair specially coiffed (not!) for the occasion!
The Tragically Hip were also honoured last night with a performing arts award from the Governor General. Quite a sight to see the boys from Kingston, (with families in tow) sitting quite regally next to the Governor General, medals draped around their necks, suited up in their finest tuxedos. The evening ended with the Tragically Hip ripping up the stage with 'Fully Completely', 'Ahead by a Century' and a couple of new tunes.
Pretty cool stuff!!
The Police Rock!
Elvis Costello rocks!
share a warm moment on the stage. Who says they don't get along?
(above) Sting and Andy Summer
....The Police!
For the 12,000 people who were at the Police concert on Thursday night at Scotiabank Place, it was quite an amazing night. Sting and the boys were in fine form! Despite all the reports about 'rifts' between Sting and Stewart Copeland, the band appeared to be having as much fun as the rest of us. Roxanne, Message in a Bottle, Every Breath You Take...every song you played a gazillion times on your stereo back in the 80's...the Police pulled them all out, with some pretty incredible jamming that made the crowd go crazy. Stewart Copeland is a true master! There was one 'oddity' of the night though....Sting mentioned that it was great to be 'back' in Ottawa, not having played here since Sept 15 1979. At the 'New Theatre'. Hmmm....no one seemed to remember that show. And, having lived in Ottawa my entire life, I've never heard of the 'New Theatre'. A little bit of checking on the good ol' internet, and it would appear that the Police did, in fact, play the 'New Theatre' on September 15th 1979. In Oxford, England. Oh well, you can't expect them to remember everything!
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