Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Police Rock!

Elvis Costello rocks!
Sting and Stewart Copeland
share a warm moment on the stage. Who says they don't get along?

(above) Sting and Andy Summer

....The Police!
For the 12,000 people who were at the Police concert on Thursday night at Scotiabank Place, it was quite an amazing night. Sting and the boys were in fine form! Despite all the reports about 'rifts' between Sting and Stewart Copeland, the band appeared to be having as much fun as the rest of us. Roxanne, Message in a Bottle, Every Breath You Take...every song you played a gazillion times on your stereo back in the 80's...the Police pulled them all out, with some pretty incredible jamming that made the crowd go crazy. Stewart Copeland is a true master! There was one 'oddity' of the night though....Sting mentioned that it was great to be 'back' in Ottawa, not having played here since Sept 15 1979. At the 'New Theatre'. one seemed to remember that show. And, having lived in Ottawa my entire life, I've never heard of the 'New Theatre'. A little bit of checking on the good ol' internet, and it would appear that the Police did, in fact, play the 'New Theatre' on September 15th 1979. In Oxford, England. Oh well, you can't expect them to remember everything!