I recently spent the morning at the Ottawa Humane Society shelter; a building designed 40 years ago to house 2500 animals annually. The Humane Society now sees 11,000 animals a year. Animals stacked in cages; lack of proper ventilation; cramped conditions that contribute to the spread of disease.
Despite the terrible conditions, what amazes me about the shelter is the level of care that Ottawa's neglected, lost and injured animals receive by caring, enthusiastic staff and volunteers. Until now, they have worked wonders while working in this archaic environment. As Humane Society vet tech Iona Guindon-Carson described to me, the staff has been 'very creative'. But its time to give Ottawa's animals the conditions that they deserve. In March, the Humane Society embarked on an ambitious campaign to build a new state-of-the-art shelter. The goal is 9.5 million dollars. To say that the Ottawa Humane Society appreciates every dollar donated is truly an understatement. We all know how much our pets complete our family. Think of your own loved pet...cosy, comfortable...well fed and cherished. Now think about the ones who are not so fortunate. Look into the eyes of the faces below. These dogs and cats are desperately looking for homes. But until they find that home, they are being cared for by wonderful people who work miracles every day. The new shelter provides the promise of a future for Ottawa's lost and abused animals. The land has been purchased, the plans are in place. In fact, you can get all the details at http://www.ottawahumane.ca/breakingground/. Please give what you can. And if you're a kid, and you would like to get your classroom or the kids in the neighbourhood involved in fundraising for the Humane Society, I want to hear from you. email me at Sandy.Sharkey@chumradio.com. I promise to feature your story right here. Lets do it!