This is the final day of my holidays (unless you don't count Sunday as a holiday, in which case my final day of holidays was on Friday). Anyway, I am very much looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow. Not just because I love my job, but because there are no blue Rubbermaid containers at work. I am currently living in a sea of blue Rubbermaid containers. My husband and I are moving to a new house in Manotick. The moving date is not til the first week of September, but I thought that I would take some time on my holidays to start packing. Rather than accost Costco or the LCBO for cardboard boxes, I thought I would buy some blue Rubbermaid containers and start packing. The plan was to pack everything that Rob and I don't really need , as the moving date is still a month away. I have now purchased and filled 23 Rubbermaid containers. The scary part is, that's 23 containers worth of stuff that we don't need. A carefully wrapped concrete turtle. A glass wine decanter from an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant in New Orleans. A detailed map of Mexico. Two nerf footballs. We can't seem to part with any of it. And I haven't even come close to packing things we actually DO need. I figure by the time I'm finished, I will own over 100 blue Rubbermaid containers. Which, ironically, I will no longer need. Can't wait to get back to work.